2019 State Report for County-Level Data: Prevalence


Special thanks to the following individuals who have contributed to the success of this effort: Deb Brucker, Erin Dame, Ferris Al Kurabi, Kate Filanoski, Kim Phillips, Karen Volle, Romy Eberle and Toni Sumner-Beebe.

Funding for this publication is made possible by:

The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Disability Statistics and Demographics (StatsRRTC), funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Community Living National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), grant number 90RTGE0001; and the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Employment Policy and Measurement (EPM-RRTC), also funded by NIDILRR, grant number 90RT5037. The information developed by the StatsRRTC and EPM-RRTC does not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government (Edgar, 75.620 (b)).

The StatsRRTC and EPM-RRTC are part of the Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire. The Institute on Disability/UCED (IOD) was established in 1987 to provide a university-based focus for the improvement of knowledge, policies, and practices related to the lives of people with disabilities and their families and is New Hampshire’s University Center for Excellence in Disability (UCED). Located within the University of New Hampshire, the IOD is a federally designated center authorized by the Developmental Disabilities Act. Through innovative and interdisciplinary research, academic, service, and dissemination initiatives, the IOD builds local, state, and national capacities to respond to the needs of individuals with disabilities and their families.

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2019 Missouri Report for County-Level Data: Prevalence











Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on

Disability Statistics and Demographics

A NIDILRR-Funded Center



The State Reports for County-Level Data on Prevalence are designed to provide the users of disability statistics with the number of people with disabilities for any given state and county in the United States. This report is intended to be an online complement to Section 1: Population and Prevalence of the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium and Annual Disability Statistics Supplement, providing greater detail within each state. The State Reports for County-Level Data on Prevalence can be used to compare county-level statistics between counties in any given state or states.

The following report provides county-level statistics for Missouri. The proportions of people with disabilities, sometimes called prevalence, presented in the State Reports for County-Level Data is a useful tool for advocates, researchers, and policy-makers to plan and provide services and supports for people with disabilities. In this report, the prevalence of people with disabilities is presented as the number of people with disabilities in a given state and county per total state and county populations, respectively. Counts and percentages are provided in tables and maps.

The data for this report come from the American Community Survey 5-year data. The American Community Survey (ACS) is a national survey developed by the U.S. Census Bureau to provide information on a number of topics about social, economic, and demographic characteristics of the U.S. population. ACS 5-year data is collected over a longer period of time than 1-year data, providing larger sample sizes and increased reliability for less populated areas and small population subgroups. All of the statistics in this report use the ACS 5-year data which includes data from the year of the report and data from the four previous years. In the ACS, people are identified as having a disability based on responses to a series of six questions asking about having difficulties with vision, hearing, ambulation, cognition, self-care, and independent living (see glossary for further details).

Specific to Missouri, the state chosen for this report, sentences providing interpretation and context for prevalence statistics are included below. A short glossary of terms is also provided at the end of the report explaining the statistics that are illustrated in each sentence.



Additional Resources. The Annual Disability Statistics Compendium and its complement, the Annual Disability Statistics Supplement, are summaries of statistics about people with disabilities, available both in hard copy and online at https://www.disabilitycompendium.org.

Help navigating any of the resources described here can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions section at https://www.disabilitycompendium.org/faq. Assistance interpreting and locating additional statistics is available via our toll-free number, 866-538-9521, or by email, disability.statistics@unh.edu. For more information about our research projects, please visit https://www.researchondisability.org.

Suggested Citation. Paul, S., Rafal, M., & Houtenville, A. (2020). 2019 State Report for Missouri County-Level Data: Prevalence. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.


The following statements are designed to help understand the 2019 county-level statistics from Missouri that are presented:

  • For the number of people with and without disabilities:
    • The range of total people across Missouri counties, also known as the difference between the largest and smallest counts of people across Missouri counties, was 982,971.
      • The county with the greatest number of total people was St. Louis (984,954 people).
      • The county with the least number of total people was Worth (1,983 people).
    • The average number of total people across all counties was 52,092.
    • The median, also known as the middle-most number, of total people across Missouri counties was 18,017.
  • For the number of people with disabilities:
    • The range of people with disabilities across Missouri counties, also known as the difference between the largest and smallest counts of people with disabilities across Missouri counties, was 117,804.
      • The county with the greatest number of people with disabilities was St. Louis (118,129 people).
      • The county with the least number of people with disabilities was Worth (325 people).
    • The average number of people with disabilities across all counties was 7,586.
    • The median, also known as the middle-most number, of people with disabilities across Missouri counties was 3,543.
  • For the percentage of people with disabilities:
    • For the entire state of Missouri, the overall percentage of people with disabilities is 14.6%.
      • The county with the highest percentage of people with disabilities was Ripley (32.0%).
      • The county with the lowest percentage of people with disabilities was St. Charles (10.0%).


  • For the number of people without disabilities:
    • The range of people without disabilities across Missouri counties, also known as the difference between the largest and smallest counts of people without disabilities across Missouri counties, was 865,167.
      • The county with the greatest number of people without disabilities was St. Louis (866,825 people).
      • The county with the least number of people without disabilities was Worth (1,658 people).
    • The average number of people without disabilities across all counties was 44,506.
    • The median, also known as the middle-most number, of people without disabilities across Missouri counties was 14,622.
  • For the percentage of people without disabilities:
    • For the entire state of Missouri, the overall percentage of people without disabilities is 85.4%.
      • The county with the highest percentage of people without disabilities was St. Charles (90.0%).
      • The county with the lowest percentage of people without disabilities was Ripley (68.0%).
Prevalence of People with and without Disabilities for Missouri, by County: 2019
County Total Disability No Disability   County Total Disability No Disability
Count % Count % Count % Count %
   Missouri    5,990,637 872,438 14.6 5,118,199 85.4      Cole         72,637   8,008 11.0    64,629 89.0
    Adair         25,075   3,114 12.4    21,961 87.6     Cooper        16,080   2,531 15.7    13,549 84.3
    Andrew        17,306   2,684 15.5    14,622 84.5    Crawford       23,814   5,142 21.6    18,672 78.4
   Atchison        5,145     932 18.1     4,213 81.9      Dade          7,436   1,294 17.4     6,142 82.6
   Audrain        23,845   3,902 16.4    19,943 83.6     Dallas        16,382   3,937 24.0    12,445 76.0
    Barry         35,209   6,122 17.4    29,087 82.6    Daviess         8,099   1,106 13.7     6,993 86.3
    Barton        11,675   2,329 19.9     9,346 80.1     DeKalb         9,190   1,476 16.1     7,714 83.9
    Bates         15,977   2,536 15.9    13,441 84.1      Dent         15,373   3,474 22.6    11,899 77.4
    Benton        18,902   4,906 26.0    13,996 74.0    Douglas        13,189   3,036 23.0    10,153 77.0
  Bollinger       12,144   2,735 22.5     9,409 77.5    Dunklin        29,334   6,423 21.9    22,911 78.1
    Boone        176,323  20,399 11.6   155,924 88.4    Franklin      102,307  14,158 13.8    88,149 86.2
   Buchanan       85,440  13,699 16.0    71,741 84.0   Gasconade       14,466   2,614 18.1    11,852 81.9
    Butler        41,998  10,194 24.3    31,804 75.7     Gentry         6,473     985 15.2     5,488 84.8
   Caldwell        8,856   1,429 16.1     7,427 83.9     Greene       285,833  42,985 15.0   242,848 85.0
   Callaway       42,177   5,935 14.1    36,242 85.9     Grundy         9,826   1,585 16.1     8,241 83.9
    Camden        44,913   8,613 19.2    36,300 80.8    Harrison        8,306   1,564 18.8     6,742 81.2
Cape Girardeau    77,243  10,978 14.2    66,265 85.8     Henry         21,427   4,214 19.7    17,213 80.3
   Carroll         8,692   1,400 16.1     7,292 83.9    Hickory         9,326   2,516 27.0     6,810 73.0
    Carter         6,085   1,388 22.8     4,697 77.2      Holt          4,320     811 18.8     3,509 81.2
     Cass        102,805  13,688 13.3    89,117 86.7     Howard         9,936   1,571 15.8     8,365 84.2
    Cedar         13,869   2,890 20.8    10,979 79.2     Howell        39,706   8,483 21.4    31,223 78.6
   Chariton        7,255   1,349 18.6     5,906 81.4      Iron          9,831   2,426 24.7     7,405 75.3
  Christian       85,212  11,625 13.6    73,587 86.4    Jackson       689,210  91,282 13.2   597,928 86.8
    Clark          6,674   1,001 15.0     5,673 85.0     Jasper       119,041  16,997 14.3   102,044 85.7
     Clay        240,958  28,685 11.9   212,273 88.1   Jefferson      222,265  29,789 13.4   192,476 86.6
   Clinton        20,044   2,607 13.0    17,437 87.0    Johnson        49,542   6,004 12.1    43,538 87.9
Prevalence of People with and without Disabilities for Missouri, by County: 2019
County Total Disability No Disability   County Total Disability No Disability
Count % Count % Count % Count %
     Knox          3,888     795 20.4     3,093 79.6    Pemiscot       16,499   4,450 27.0    12,049 73.0
   Laclede        35,119   6,007 17.1    29,112 82.9     Perry         18,857   2,773 14.7    16,084 85.3
  Lafayette       32,102   4,550 14.2    27,552 85.8     Pettis        41,748   7,013 16.8    34,735 83.2
   Lawrence       37,642   6,880 18.3    30,762 81.7     Phelps        43,883   7,453 17.0    36,430 83.0
    Lewis          9,763   1,420 14.5     8,343 85.5      Pike         16,245   2,134 13.1    14,111 86.9
   Lincoln        55,897   8,365 15.0    47,532 85.0     Platte        99,737  12,307 12.3    87,430 87.7
     Linn         11,976   1,669 13.9    10,307 86.1      Polk         31,294   5,053 16.1    26,241 83.9
  Livingston      13,840   1,900 13.7    11,940 86.3    Pulaski        39,306   7,735 19.7    31,571 80.3
    Macon         14,943   2,516 16.8    12,427 83.2     Putnam         4,692     864 18.4     3,828 81.6
   Madison        11,938   2,945 24.7     8,993 75.3     Ralls         10,174   1,252 12.3     8,922 87.7
    Maries         8,700   1,556 17.9     7,144 82.1    Randolph       22,855   4,066 17.8    18,789 82.2
    Marion        27,924   3,814 13.7    24,110 86.3      Ray          22,621   3,237 14.3    19,384 85.7
   McDonald       22,611   3,609 16.0    19,002 84.0    Reynolds        6,130   1,590 25.9     4,540 74.1
    Mercer         3,584     501 14.0     3,083 86.0     Ripley        13,515   4,319 32.0     9,196 68.0
    Miller        24,836   4,026 16.2    20,810 83.8     Saline        22,525   3,893 17.3    18,632 82.7
 Mississippi      11,858   2,566 21.6     9,292 78.4    Schuyler        4,513     777 17.2     3,736 82.8
   Moniteau       14,681   1,726 11.8    12,955 88.2    Scotland        4,813     666 13.8     4,147 86.2
    Monroe         8,522   1,461 17.1     7,061 82.9     Scott         38,088   7,639 20.1    30,449 79.9
  Montgomery      11,156   1,860 16.7     9,296 83.3    Shannon         8,154   2,131 26.1     6,023 73.9
    Morgan        19,893   3,577 18.0    16,316 82.0     Shelby         5,800     902 15.6     4,898 84.4
  New Madrid      17,226   4,007 23.3    13,219 76.7  St. Charles     392,268  39,221 10.0   353,047 90.0
    Newton        57,544   8,589 14.9    48,955 85.1   St. Clair        9,085   1,992 21.9     7,093 78.1
   Nodaway        21,562   2,321 10.8    19,241 89.2  St. Francois     59,966  13,071 21.8    46,895 78.2
    Oregon        10,527   2,796 26.6     7,731 73.4   St. Louis      303,603  46,489 15.3   257,114 84.7
    Osage         13,481   1,562 11.6    11,919 88.4   St. Louis      984,954 118,129 12.0   866,825 88.0
    Ozark          9,151   2,129 23.3     7,022 76.7 Ste. Genevieve    17,621   2,629 14.9    14,992 85.1
Prevalence of People with and without Disabilities for Missouri, by County: 2019
County Total Disability No Disability   County Total Disability No Disability
Count % Count % Count % Count %
   Stoddard       28,946   6,905 23.9    22,041 76.1                                                     
    Stone         31,240   6,049 19.4    25,191 80.6                                                     
   Sullivan        6,048     656 10.8     5,392 89.2                                                     
    Taney         54,668   9,643 17.6    45,025 82.4                                                     
    Texas         24,250   5,902 24.3    18,348 75.7                                                     
    Vernon        20,145   3,543 17.6    16,602 82.4                                                     
    Warren        34,267   5,370 15.7    28,897 84.3                                                     
  Washington      23,758   6,044 25.4    17,714 74.6                                                     
    Wayne         13,081   3,801 29.1     9,280 70.9                                                     
   Webster        37,753   6,074 16.1    31,679 83.9                                                     
    Worth          1,983     325 16.4     1,658 83.6                                                     
    Wright        18,017   3,643 20.2    14,374 79.8                                                     
Count of People with Disabilities for Missouri, by County: 2019

Percentage of People with Disabilities for Missouri, by County: 2019


There are a number of concepts and factors which complicate the interpretation of the estimates presented in this report. These concerns affect all statistics from population-based surveys. The estimates included in this document should be interpreted the following limitations in mind and generalized with caution. In each point, a link to the U.S. Census Bureau website describing the limitation or concept in greater detail in the ACS has been provided.

Additional links to resources for the ACS:


American Community Survey (ACS) — The American Community Survey is a large, continuous demographic survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau that will provide accurate and up-to-date profiles of America’s communities every year. Annual and multiyear estimates of population and housing data are generated for small areas, including tracts and population subgroups. This information is collected by mailing questionnaires to a sample of addresses. See the U.S. Census Bureau website for additional details.

The Six Disability Questions in the American Community Survey:

  1. Is this person deaf or does he/she have serious difficulty hearing? (yes or no)
  2. Is this person blind or does he/she have serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses? (yes or no)
  3. (If person 5 years old or over) Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, does this person have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions? (yes or no)
  4. (If person 5 years or old over) Does this person have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs? (yes or no)
  5. (If person 5 years old or over) Does this person have difficulty dressing or bathing? (yes or no)
  6. (If person 15 years old or over) Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, does this person have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor’s office or shopping? (yes or no)

Average — The sum of all of the values in a sample divided by the number of values in the sample.

Civilian — A person not in active-duty military.

Median — The middlemost value of a sample that separates the upper half of the values from the lower half of the values. 

Non-Institutionalized Population — Describes individuals who are residing in the community and who are not living in institutions such as jails, prisons, nursing homes, hospitals, etc.

Population — The total number of inhabitants in a defined geographic area including all races, classes, and groups.



Prevalence — The proportion of the population with a particular status or condition. Prevalence is usually expressed as a percentage or a number of people per unit of the population.

Prevalence Rate — The prevalence of a particular status or condition estimated over a specific period of time.

Range — The difference between the largest and smallest values in a sample. In a sample, when the smallest value is subtracted from the largest value the resulting value is called the range. 

Sampling Variability — The variation of a statistic when estimated from repeated samples.

United States Census Bureau — An agency within the United States Federal Statistical System tasked with producing data about the American people and economy. Their primary task is to conduct the United States Census every ten years.

About the Center

Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Disability Statistics and Demographics (StatsRRTC)

Led by the University of New Hampshire, the StatsRRTC is a collaborative effort involving the following partners: American Association of People with Disabilities, Center for Essential Management Services, Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation, Kessler Foundation, Mathematica Policy Research, and Public Health Institute.

The StatsRRTC is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research under grant number 90RTGE0001, from 2018–2023.

Employment Policy and Measurement Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (EPM-RRTC)

Led by the University of New Hampshire, the EPM-RRTC is a collaborative effort involving the following partners: Association of University Centers on Disability, Hunter College, Kessler Foundation, Mathematica Policy Research, and the University of Chicago.

The EPM-RRTC is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research under grant number 90RT503701, from 2015–2020.

Contact Information
University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability
10 West Edge Drive, Suite 101
Durham, NH 03824
Toll-Free Telephone/TTY: 866-538-9521
E-mail: Disability.Statistics@unh.edu