2023 Annual Disability Statistics Compendium

Industry and Occupation

Section 4: Industry and Occupation

This section presents statistics on the industries and occupations that employ people in the United States. Statistics are presented for the United States overall and by state for the top four most prevalent industries and occupations among people with disabilities. Industry describes the kind of business conducted by a person’s employing organization. Occupation describes the kind of work a person does on the job. Statistics for people with disabilities (disability status or disability type) are based on having responded ‘yes’ to a series of questions within the American Community Survey, conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau (see the glossary for more details).

Data on occupation and industry are collected for the American Community Survey respondent’s current primary job or the most recent job for people who are not employed but have worked in the last 5 years. American Community Survey respondents provide written responses describing their kind of business or industry. An automated, standardized coding procedure categorizes responses which are then reviewed by trained staff for accuracy. Industries are categorized based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), published by the Office of Management and Budget. Occupations are categorized based on the Standard Occupational (SOC) Manual, also published by the Office of Management and Budget. American Community Survey data on industry and occupation describe the industrial composition and occupational experiences of the American labor force and are used to formulate employment policy and programs, develop career trainings, provide information on the occupational skills of the labor force, and measure compliance with antidiscrimination policies.


Table 4.1: In 2021 in the United States, the industry with the greatest number of people with disabilities was Health Care and Social Assistance with 1,283,141 people (14.7 percent).

Table 4.2: In 2021 in the United States, the occupational group with the greatest number of people with disabilities was [c3635:value:max:2:1] with [c3635:value:max:2] people ([c3635:value:max:3] percent).

Table 4.3: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities employed in the education services industry was Texas with 72,199 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities employed in the education services industry was Vermont (12.1 percent).

Table 4.4: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities employed in the manufacturing industry was Texas with 70,631 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities employed in the manufacturing industry was Indiana (20.0 percent).

Table 4.5: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities employed in the retail trade industry was Texas with 104,888 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities employed in the retail trade industry was Hawaii and Wyoming (19.4 percent).

Table 4.6: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities employed in the health care and social assistance industry was California with 119,573 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities employed in the health care and social assistance industry was Maine (22.8 percent).

Table 4.7: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities employed in office and administrative support occupations was Texas with 107,193 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities employed in office and administrative support occupations was Alaska and Wyoming (20.5 percent).

Table 4.8: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities employed in sales and related occupations was Texas with 77,649 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities employed in sales and related occupations was West Virginia (12.3 percent).

Table 4.9: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities employed in transportation and material moving occupations was Texas with 76,650 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities employed in transportation and material moving occupations was Ohio (12.4 percent).

Table 4.10: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities employed in management occupations was Texas with 76,520 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities employed in management occupations was Vermont (16.4 percent).

Table 4.1 Industry and Occupation — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community Employed by Industry for the United States: 2021
Geography Industry Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. Agriculture    98,155  1.1  1,559,546  1.1
U.S. Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction    31,946  0.4    521,610  0.4
U.S. Utilities    67,149  0.8  1,209,856  0.9
U.S. Construction   558,054  6.4  9,638,761  7.1
U.S. Manufacturing   882,656 10.1 14,045,307 10.3
U.S. Wholesale Trade   169,479  1.9  3,140,237  2.3
U.S. Retail Trade 1,157,852 13.3 14,567,982 10.7
U.S. Transportation and Warehousing   484,493  5.6  6,923,709  5.1
U.S. Information   151,978  1.7  2,616,046  1.9
U.S. Finance and Insurance   334,707  3.8  7,009,133  5.2
U.S. Real Estate and Rental and Leasing   146,908  1.7  2,412,327  1.8
U.S. Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services   518,399  6.0 11,318,846  8.3
U.S. Management of Companies and Enterprises     7,938  0.1    170,350  0.1
U.S. Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services   432,863  5.0  5,557,781  4.1
U.S. Educational Services   694,517  8.0 12,987,467  9.6
U.S. Health Care and Social Assistance 1,283,141 14.7 19,201,091 14.1
U.S. Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation   156,410  1.8  2,434,226  1.8
U.S. Accomodation and Food Services   646,538  7.4  8,035,446  5.9
U.S. Other Services (Except Public Administration)   417,498  4.8  5,987,290  4.4
U.S. Public Administration   464,832  5.3  6,636,580  4.9
Table 4.2 Industry and Occupation — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community Employed by Occupation for the United States: 2021
Geography Occupations Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. Management Occupations   762,232  8.8 15,789,646 11.6
U.S. Business and Financial Operations Occupations   406,348  4.7  8,368,275  6.2
U.S. Computer and Mathematical Occupations   272,899  3.1  5,337,393  3.9
U.S. Architecture and Engineering Occupations   133,087  1.5  3,197,824  2.4
U.S. Life, Physical, Social Sciences Occupations    68,649  0.8  1,644,695  1.2
U.S. Community and Social Services Occupations   156,726  1.8  2,409,991  1.8
U.S. Legal Occupations    73,153  0.8  1,631,307  1.2
U.S. Education, Training, and Library Occupations   453,918  5.2  8,732,835  6.4
U.S. Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations   147,523  1.7  2,771,773  2.0
U.S. Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations   399,359  4.6  9,039,276  6.6
U.S. Healthcare Support Occupations   386,446  4.4  4,434,452  3.3
U.S. Protective Service Occupations   197,259  2.3  2,894,698  2.1
U.S. Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations   541,157  6.2  6,149,229  4.5
U.S. Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations   419,361  4.8  4,382,538  3.2
U.S. Personal Care and Service Occupations   223,191  2.6  3,103,119  2.3
U.S. Sales and Related Occupations   814,001  9.3 12,103,723  8.9
U.S. Office and Administrative Support Occupations 1,072,430 12.3 14,448,042 10.6
U.S. Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations    49,113  0.6    796,023  0.6
U.S. Construction and Extraction Occupations   422,009  4.8  6,824,744  5.0
U.S. Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations   303,000  3.5  4,259,307  3.1
U.S. Production Occupations   581,112  6.7  7,421,102  5.5
U.S. Transportation and Material Moving Occupations   824,439  9.5 10,266,231  7.5
Table 4.3 Industry and Occupation — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community Employed in the Education Services Industry for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 692,935  8.2 12,987,467  9.9 MO  11,736  6.2    241,687  9.6
AL  10,323  7.5    181,792  9.6 MT   2,236  6.8     48,062 10.8
AK     23,864  8.6 NE   6,146  9.2     95,311 11.1
AZ  15,036  7.4    254,815  8.9 NV   6,130  7.1     86,257  6.9
AR   6,843  7.2    116,002 10.1 NH   2,555  6.3     59,851  9.5
CA  69,087  8.4  1,419,015  8.8 NJ  15,149  8.5    420,896 10.6
CO  14,170  8.5    240,902  9.2 NM   5,663  9.4     80,767 10.8
CT   9,360 10.0    176,983 11.3 NY  43,611 10.4    991,483 12.2
DE   2,109  7.1     36,543  9.2 NC  21,064  7.6    388,407  9.1
DC   2,060 11.2     28,228  9.0 ND   1,315  4.8     37,210 11.0
FL  35,278  6.9    654,832  7.6 OH  20,784  6.2    423,214  8.8
GA  25,840  9.3    428,708  9.7 OK   9,443  6.5    138,575  9.3
HI   2,951 10.3     63,727 11.6 OR   9,983  6.9    140,760  8.2
ID   3,782  5.8     71,894  9.3 PA  26,632  7.8    522,963  9.8
IL  25,072  8.2    524,780  9.9 RI   3,968 11.8     56,559 12.1
IN  12,850  6.6    263,379  9.4 SC  11,817  8.9    192,442  9.6
IA   7,622  8.1    145,951 10.5 SD   1,579  5.6     36,793  9.7
KS   7,710  8.8    134,817 11.1 TN  12,209  6.4    248,051  8.8
KY   9,386  6.6    162,599  9.5 TX  72,199  8.7  1,153,342  9.6
LA  12,486  9.6    162,858  9.8 UT  10,974 10.4    151,263 10.5
ME   4,190 10.5     62,651 11.0 VT   2,025 12.1     38,839 14.1
MD  14,027  8.9    278,484 10.5 VA  16,638  7.1    357,803  9.8
MA  18,639 11.4    378,339 12.1 WA  13,665  6.3    282,199  8.7
MI  16,346  6.1    348,898  8.7 WV   3,848  7.6     65,021 10.6
MN  15,430  8.8    223,104  8.7 WI  10,796  6.4    215,650  8.3
MS   7,919  8.4    105,938 10.2 WY   2,254 11.4     24,959 10.3
Table 4.4 Industry and Occupation — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community Employed in the Manufacturing Industry for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 880,868 10.3 14,045,307 10.1 MO  20,453 10.8    304,612 12.1
AL  18,956 13.7    272,646 14.4 MT   1,838  5.6     20,807  4.7
AK     12,179  4.4 NE   5,426  8.1     98,938 11.5
AZ  13,957  6.9    231,198  8.1 NV   7,431  8.6     64,947  5.2
AR  12,308 12.9    147,072 12.8 NH   4,709 11.7     80,892 12.8
CA  67,408  8.2  1,482,390  9.2 NJ  13,138  7.4    335,706  8.5
CO  13,073  7.8    188,718  7.2 NM   2,672  4.4     29,327  3.9
CT  10,646 11.4    175,261 11.2 NY  24,914  5.9    472,382  5.8
DE   1,817  6.1     27,162  6.8 NC  34,336 12.4    520,411 12.2
DC      3,747  1.2 ND     920  3.4     23,379  6.9
FL  26,740  5.3    473,373  5.5 OH  53,755 16.1    745,745 15.5
GA  28,442 10.2    462,885 10.5 OK  14,754 10.1    146,069  9.8
HI     13,767  2.5 OR  12,778  8.9    193,161 11.3
ID   6,645 10.1     76,902 10.0 PA  36,986 10.9    661,233 12.4
IL  36,091 11.7    660,000 12.4 RI   3,327  9.9     47,497 10.1
IN  38,643 20.0    517,863 18.5 SC  16,984 12.8    283,567 14.1
IA  14,907 15.8    210,514 15.2 SD   4,032 14.4     35,983  9.5
KS  11,545 13.1    143,740 11.8 TN  27,132 14.2    370,097 13.2
KY  24,138 16.9    250,526 14.7 TX  70,631  8.5  1,068,722  8.9
LA   7,435  5.7    120,420  7.2 UT   9,054  8.6    165,646 11.5
ME   4,144 10.4     61,930 10.9 VT   2,079 12.4     31,361 11.4
MD   8,192  5.2    133,914  5.0 VA  15,791  6.8    261,609  7.2
MA  14,279  8.8    284,217  9.1 WA  20,121  9.3    316,544  9.8
MI  47,756 17.9    766,561 19.2 WV   4,124  8.1     51,000  8.3
MN  21,571 12.2    358,928 14.0 WI  31,990 19.1    489,557 18.9
MS  11,714 12.4    139,880 13.4 WY   1,086  5.5     10,322  4.3
Table 4.5 Industry and Occupation — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community Employed in the Retail Trade Industry for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 1,156,132 13.9 14,567,982 10.7 MO    27,008 14.3    278,558 11.0
AL    18,139 13.1    224,380 11.8 MT     4,615 14.1     49,185 11.1
AK     3,583 13.5     28,131 10.1 NE     8,795 13.1     85,478  9.9
AZ    29,326 14.4    338,982 11.8 NV    11,304 13.1    146,848 11.8
AR    15,159 15.9    150,982 13.2 NH     6,218 15.4     69,830 11.1
CA    92,467 11.2  1,651,106 10.2 NJ    25,471 14.3    425,571 10.7
CO    22,582 13.5    274,457 10.5 NM     6,847 11.4     75,212 10.1
CT    15,155 16.2    165,832 10.6 NY    54,162 12.9    773,316  9.5
DE     4,654 15.6     51,151 12.9 NC    35,159 12.7    452,427 10.6
DC ‡      15,749  5.0 ND     3,319 12.1     31,047  9.2
FL    73,675 14.5  1,042,607 12.0 OH    44,908 13.5    527,886 10.9
GA    33,054 11.8    510,564 11.6 OK    21,971 15.0    182,845 12.2
HI     5,543 19.4     55,360 10.1 OR    24,640 17.2    190,827 11.2
ID     7,540 11.5     86,543 11.2 PA    44,502 13.1    557,199 10.4
IL    39,068 12.7    522,179  9.8 RI     3,678 10.9     49,861 10.7
IN    23,623 12.2    295,572 10.5 SC    17,787 13.4    224,599 11.2
IA    13,747 14.5    151,184 10.9 SD     4,156 14.8     44,454 11.7
KS    10,652 12.1    122,882 10.1 TN    25,969 13.6    321,078 11.4
KY    21,993 15.4    197,481 11.6 TX   104,888 12.6  1,338,130 11.1
LA    15,906 12.2    196,867 11.8 UT    14,128 13.4    162,481 11.3
ME     4,564 11.5     63,852 11.2 VT     3,101 18.6     28,647 10.4
MD    18,610 11.8    236,018  8.9 VA    32,098 13.7    328,948  9.0
MA    19,041 11.7    300,864  9.6 WA    27,012 12.5    369,778 11.4
MI    42,173 15.8    423,024 10.6 WV     8,809 17.3     69,033 11.2
MN    26,732 15.2    263,665 10.3 WI    24,922 14.9    269,192 10.4
MS    10,847 11.5    119,434 11.5 WY     3,831 19.4     26,686 11.1
Table 4.6 Industry and Occupation — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community Employed in the Health Care and Social Assistance Industry for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 1,283,141 14.7 19,201,091 14.4 MO    32,352 17.2    384,846 15.3
AL    18,747 13.6    265,535 14.0 MT     5,418 16.5     60,220 13.5
AK     3,423 12.9     39,967 14.4 NE     9,768 14.6    129,845 15.1
AZ    26,523 13.0    381,065 13.3 NV     8,159  9.4    141,883 11.4
AR    17,999 18.9    168,838 14.7 NH     6,434 16.0     95,803 15.2
CA   119,573 14.5  2,116,967 13.1 NJ    24,613 13.8    536,458 13.5
CO    22,520 13.5    328,496 12.6 NM    11,019 18.3    108,825 14.6
CT    15,446 16.5    251,871 16.1 NY    83,802 20.0  1,417,528 17.5
DE     3,331 11.2     59,804 15.0 NC    39,746 14.3    601,113 14.1
DC     2,220 12.1     22,034  7.0 ND     3,426 12.5     57,365 16.9
FL    60,767 11.9  1,183,274 13.7 OH    51,931 15.6    753,301 15.6
GA    35,169 12.6    509,931 11.6 OK    22,306 15.3    202,387 13.5
HI     2,578  9.0     76,075 13.9 OR    23,145 16.1    256,718 15.0
ID     7,047 10.8    105,663 13.7 PA    62,247 18.3    900,443 16.9
IL    48,272 15.7    750,328 14.1 RI     5,690 16.9     72,846 15.6
IN    29,874 15.5    397,059 14.2 SC    16,027 12.1    264,353 13.1
IA    14,193 15.0    187,567 13.5 SD     4,065 14.5     62,046 16.4
KS    15,254 17.4    181,796 14.9 TN    27,601 14.4    393,103 14.0
KY    18,488 12.9    247,517 14.5 TX   108,629 13.0  1,455,248 12.1
LA    20,621 15.8    272,074 16.3 UT    10,909 10.4    163,893 11.4
ME     9,067 22.8     88,154 15.5 VT     1,769 10.6     45,125 16.3
MD    22,204 14.0    354,285 13.3 VA    30,760 13.2    468,358 12.8
MA    30,293 18.6    500,803 16.0 WA    29,911 13.8    418,130 12.9
MI    39,674 14.8    582,762 14.6 WV     7,824 15.4    118,412 19.2
MN    31,037 17.6    442,250 17.3 WI    22,410 13.4    389,238 15.0
MS    14,787 15.7    157,429 15.1 WY     4,073 20.7     32,060 13.3
Table 4.7 Industry and Occupation — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community Employed in Office and Administrative Support Occupations for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 1,072,430 12.2 14,448,042 10.6 MO    23,429 12.4    282,903 11.2
AL    15,851 11.5    199,277 10.5 MT     3,900 11.9     41,898  9.4
AK     5,421 20.5     31,564 11.4 NE     9,035 13.5     91,475 10.6
AZ    31,157 15.3    344,707 12.0 NV    11,233 13.0    154,208 12.4
AR    11,564 12.1    122,229 10.7 NH     5,864 14.5     66,775 10.6
CA   104,938 12.7  1,700,795 10.5 NJ    25,329 14.2    421,068 10.6
CO    20,267 12.2    259,891  9.9 NM     7,088 11.8     76,256 10.2
CT    10,403 11.1    149,623  9.6 NY    54,720 13.1    834,758 10.3
DE     4,404 14.8     41,568 10.5 NC    32,269 11.6    429,764 10.1
DC     2,378 13.0     20,221  6.4 ND     3,097 11.3     36,540 10.8
FL    74,628 14.7  1,015,335 11.7 OH    40,804 12.2    528,388 11.0
GA    31,385 11.2    486,384 11.0 OK    17,067 11.7    172,384 11.5
HI     3,565 12.5     68,451 12.5 OR    17,085 11.9    183,116 10.7
ID     6,229  9.5     88,020 11.4 PA    42,446 12.5    547,207 10.2
IL    37,200 12.1    571,325 10.7 RI     3,769 11.2     52,781 11.3
IN    24,424 12.6    295,501 10.5 SC    13,861 10.4    205,417 10.2
IA     9,862 10.4    145,753 10.5 SD     1,702  6.1     37,714  9.9
KS     8,995 10.2    129,825 10.6 TN    22,033 11.5    295,549 10.5
KY    17,232 12.0    193,821 11.4 TX   107,193 12.9  1,286,721 10.7
LA    16,778 12.8    174,725 10.5 UT    15,612 14.8    177,720 12.4
ME     4,410 11.1     68,563 12.1 VT     1,224  7.3     25,935  9.4
MD    19,525 12.3    286,931 10.8 VA    23,681 10.1    360,553  9.9
MA    17,648 10.8    290,139  9.2 WA    24,588 11.4    297,722  9.2
MI    30,980 11.6    418,375 10.5 WV     4,632  9.1     67,122 10.9
MN    18,278 10.4    258,293 10.1 WI    18,623 11.1    272,241 10.5
MS    10,460 11.1    113,893 10.9 WY     4,040 20.5     24,496 10.1
Table 4.8 Industry and Occupation — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community Employed in Sales and Related Occupations for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 814,001  9.1 12,103,723  8.6 MO  17,179  9.1    237,693  9.4
AL  13,334  9.7    168,279  8.9 MT   2,566  7.8     37,576  8.5
AK   2,425  9.2     17,167  6.2 NE   5,254  7.8     69,387  8.1
AZ  21,049 10.3    285,231  9.9 NV   9,246 10.7    120,249  9.7
AR   8,954  9.4    103,140  9.0 NH   4,629 11.5     60,880  9.7
CA  74,109  9.0  1,424,047  8.8 NJ  15,003  8.4    360,484  9.1
CO  15,474  9.3    252,712  9.7 NM   5,834  9.7     63,230  8.5
CT   9,631 10.3    145,966  9.4 NY  40,560  9.7    684,591  8.4
DE   2,635  8.8     36,012  9.1 NC  23,227  8.4    378,895  8.9
DC   1,395  7.6     16,553  5.3 ND   1,390  5.1     26,578  7.8
FL  55,613 10.9    937,483 10.8 OH  28,289  8.5    409,749  8.5
GA  26,267  9.4    406,886  9.2 OK  15,735 10.8    140,005  9.4
HI   2,374  8.3     46,222  8.4 OR  16,469 11.5    147,720  8.6
ID   4,434  6.8     68,687  8.9 PA  35,090 10.3    449,893  8.4
IL  25,108  8.2    452,068  8.5 RI   2,817  8.3     40,923  8.7
IN  11,536  6.0    219,001  7.8 SC  12,067  9.1    196,084  9.7
IA   8,056  8.5    119,041  8.6 SD   2,091  7.5     36,542  9.6
KS   7,907  9.0    102,011  8.4 TN  19,178 10.0    261,952  9.3
KY  15,780 11.0    144,726  8.5 TX  77,649  9.3  1,156,317  9.6
LA  10,159  7.8    161,051  9.7 UT   8,322  7.9    131,159  9.1
ME   2,663  6.7     46,348  8.2 VT   1,696 10.2     20,345  7.4
MD  13,765  8.7    185,817  7.0 VA  24,209 10.4    281,613  7.7
MA  13,875  8.5    257,114  8.2 WA  21,991 10.2    265,743  8.2
MI  29,241 10.9    347,927  8.7 WV   6,254 12.3     54,515  8.9
MN  16,760  9.5    206,714  8.1 WI  14,493  8.7    211,804  8.2
MS   8,820  9.4     92,029  8.8 WY   1,399  7.1     17,564  7.3
Table 4.9 Industry and Occupation — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community Employed in Transportation and Material Moving Occupations for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 823,789  9.5 10,266,231 7.3 MO  21,411 11.4    195,772 7.8
AL  12,558  9.1    166,816 8.8 MT   3,525 10.8     28,143 6.3
AK   2,649 10.0     24,857 8.9 NE   6,279  9.4     57,387 6.7
AZ  17,737  8.7    189,077 6.6 NV   7,551  8.7    106,170 8.5
AR   9,746 10.2    104,303 9.1 NH   2,646  6.6     35,790 5.7
CA  70,918  8.6  1,224,884 7.6 NJ  18,361 10.3    287,357 7.3
CO  16,147  9.7    160,930 6.1 NM   4,704  7.8     52,345 7.0
CT   8,082  8.6     90,564 5.8 NY  29,062  6.9    497,815 6.1
DE   3,033 10.2     29,711 7.5 NC  26,484  9.5    306,160 7.2
DC      8,710 2.8 ND   2,897 10.6     20,252 6.0
FL  44,117  8.7    645,768 7.5 OH  41,356 12.4    425,110 8.8
GA  27,369  9.8    414,398 9.4 OK  11,964  8.2    110,965 7.4
HI   3,487 12.2     31,708 5.8 OR  10,672  7.4    126,616 7.4
ID   6,723 10.3     55,388 7.2 PA  35,718 10.5    435,566 8.2
IL  29,239  9.5    437,642 8.2 RI   1,934  5.7     29,693 6.3
IN  23,201 12.0    254,262 9.1 SC  15,881 11.9    156,664 7.8
IA  11,381 12.0    114,257 8.3 SD   1,628  5.8     26,335 6.9
KS   6,775  7.7     79,995 6.6 TN  20,101 10.5    257,607 9.2
KY  15,714 11.0    165,771 9.7 TX  76,650  9.2    982,849 8.2
LA  13,426 10.3    131,789 7.9 UT   8,998  8.6     99,345 6.9
ME   3,907  9.8     40,316 7.1 VT   1,677 10.0     13,460 4.9
MD  15,611  9.9    168,773 6.3 VA  18,125  7.8    223,326 6.1
MA  11,794  7.2    162,773 5.2 WA  19,440  9.0    241,610 7.5
MI  31,066 11.6    310,316 7.8 WV   5,234 10.3     48,398 7.9
MN  17,408  9.9    158,099 6.2 WI  20,121 12.0    202,756 7.8
MS   7,757  8.2    102,635 9.9 WY   1,525  7.7     22,045 9.1
Table 4.10 Industry and Occupation — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community Employed in Management Occupations for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 762,232  8.9 15,789,646 11.7 MO  16,633  8.8    283,497 11.2
AL   8,791  6.4    190,282 10.0 MT   3,261 10.0     60,783 13.7
AK   2,238  8.5     31,056 11.2 NE   5,821  8.7    100,920 11.7
AZ  15,033  7.4    313,329 10.9 NV   6,532  7.6    119,527  9.6
AR   7,310  7.7    113,731  9.9 NH   3,703  9.2     75,504 12.0
CA  71,652  8.7  1,862,685 11.5 NJ  16,827  9.5    522,984 13.2
CO  17,383 10.4    352,135 13.5 NM   3,854  6.4     83,500 11.2
CT   7,336  7.8    189,523 12.1 NY  38,565  9.2    956,074 11.8
DE   1,832  6.2     46,097 11.6 NC  20,950  7.5    504,811 11.9
DC   2,518 13.7     62,055 19.7 ND   3,121 11.4     39,135 11.5
FL  51,341 10.1  1,012,036 11.7 OH  22,788  6.8    547,906 11.4
GA  27,764  9.9    513,602 11.6 OK  12,790  8.8    155,538 10.4
HI   2,898 10.1     55,661 10.2 OR  11,240  7.8    205,065 12.0
ID   6,968 10.6     89,931 11.6 PA  22,185  6.5    602,594 11.3
IL  28,557  9.3    637,509 12.0 RI   2,570  7.6     52,425 11.2
IN  16,672  8.6    299,515 10.7 SC  11,911  9.0    216,349 10.8
IA   7,612  8.0    157,897 11.4 SD   3,130 11.2     44,310 11.7
KS   8,733  9.9    150,109 12.3 TN  15,974  8.3    308,114 11.0
KY  11,866  8.3    172,113 10.1 TX  76,520  9.2  1,364,064 11.3
LA  10,815  8.3    180,979 10.9 UT   8,600  8.2    183,144 12.8
ME   2,777  7.0     68,365 12.0 VT   2,740 16.4     34,596 12.5
MD  16,271 10.3    325,139 12.2 VA  25,854 11.1    476,976 13.1
MA  17,544 10.8    432,454 13.8 WA  20,857  9.6    391,025 12.1
MI  21,767  8.1    428,320 10.7 WV   3,390  6.7     53,173  8.6
MN  13,976  7.9    312,727 12.2 WI  12,786  7.6    278,935 10.8
MS   8,133  8.6     96,705  9.3 WY   1,491  7.6     30,384 12.6