2023 Annual Disability Statistics Compendium

Section 4: Industry and Occupation
This section presents statistics on the industries and occupations that employ people in the United States. Statistics are presented for the United States overall and by state for the top four most prevalent industries and occupations among people with disabilities. Industry describes the kind of business conducted by a person’s employing organization. Occupation describes the kind of work a person does on the job. Statistics for people with disabilities (disability status or disability type) are based on having responded ‘yes’ to a series of questions within the American Community Survey, conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau (see the glossary for more details).
Data on occupation and industry are collected for the American Community Survey respondent’s current primary job or the most recent job for people who are not employed but have worked in the last 5 years. American Community Survey respondents provide written responses describing their kind of business or industry. An automated, standardized coding procedure categorizes responses which are then reviewed by trained staff for accuracy. Industries are categorized based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), published by the Office of Management and Budget. Occupations are categorized based on the Standard Occupational (SOC) Manual, also published by the Office of Management and Budget. American Community Survey data on industry and occupation describe the industrial composition and occupational experiences of the American labor force and are used to formulate employment policy and programs, develop career trainings, provide information on the occupational skills of the labor force, and measure compliance with antidiscrimination policies.
Table 4.1: In 2021 in the United States, the industry with the greatest number of people with disabilities was Health Care and Social Assistance with 1,283,141 people (14.7 percent).
Table 4.2: In 2021 in the United States, the occupational group with the greatest number of people with disabilities was [c3635:value:max:2:1] with [c3635:value:max:2] people ([c3635:value:max:3] percent).
Table 4.3: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities employed in the education services industry was Texas with 72,199 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities employed in the education services industry was Vermont (12.1 percent).
Table 4.4: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities employed in the manufacturing industry was Texas with 70,631 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities employed in the manufacturing industry was Indiana (20.0 percent).
Table 4.5: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities employed in the retail trade industry was Texas with 104,888 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities employed in the retail trade industry was Hawaii and Wyoming (19.4 percent).
Table 4.6: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities employed in the health care and social assistance industry was California with 119,573 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities employed in the health care and social assistance industry was Maine (22.8 percent).
Table 4.7: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities employed in office and administrative support occupations was Texas with 107,193 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities employed in office and administrative support occupations was Alaska and Wyoming (20.5 percent).
Table 4.8: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities employed in sales and related occupations was Texas with 77,649 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities employed in sales and related occupations was West Virginia (12.3 percent).
Table 4.9: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities employed in transportation and material moving occupations was Texas with 76,650 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities employed in transportation and material moving occupations was Ohio (12.4 percent).
Table 4.10: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities employed in management occupations was Texas with 76,520 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities employed in management occupations was Vermont (16.4 percent).