2023 State Report for County-Level Data: Prevalence


Special thanks to the following individuals who have contributed to the success of this effort: Deb Brucker, Erin Dame, Kate Filanoski, Kim Phillips, Karen Volle, Romy Eberle, and Toni Sumner-Beebe.

Funding for this publication is made possible by:

The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Disability Statistics and Demographics (StatsRRTC), funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Community Living National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), grant number 90RTGE0001. The information developed by the StatsRRTC  does not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government (Edgar, 75.620 (b)).

The StatsRRTC is a part of the Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire. The Institute on Disability/UCED (IOD) was established in 1987 to provide a university-based focus for the improvement of knowledge, policies, and practices related to the lives of people with disabilities and their families and is New Hampshire’s University Center for Excellence in Disability (UCED). Located within the University of New Hampshire, the IOD is a federally designated center authorized by the Developmental Disabilities Act. Through innovative and interdisciplinary research, academic, service, and dissemination initiatives, the IOD builds local, state, and national capacities to respond to the needs of individuals with disabilities and their families.

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Copyright 2023. Institute on Disability. University of New Hampshire.      




2023 Kentucky Report for County-Level Data: Prevalence











Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on

Disability Statistics and Demographics

A NIDILRR-Funded Center



Overview. Statistics are a powerful tool in research, policymaking, program evaluation, and advocacy. They are used to frame issues, monitor current circumstances and progress, judge the effectiveness of policies and programs, make projections about the future, and predict the costs of potential policy changes.

In the United States, disability statistics – information about the population with disabilities and about the government programs that serve people with disabilities - are often difficult to find. Numerous government agencies generate and publish disability statistics, and as a result, the data are scattered across various federal government documents and websites.

The Annual Disability Statistics State Reports for County-Level Data, one of the five publications included in the Institute on Disability’s Annual Disability Statistics Collection – referred to as “the Collection” – is a summary of statistics about people with disabilities and about the government programs which serve them. The State Reports for County-Level Data provides county-level prevalence, employment, and poverty statistics for each state. 

Additional publications included in the Collection are: 

  • The Annual Disability Statistics Compendium, available both in hard copy and online (at www.disabilitycompendium.org), presents key overall statistics on topics including the prevalence of disability, employment among persons with disabilities, rates of participation in disability income and social insurance programs, and other statistics. 
  • The Annual Disability Statistics Supplement covers 150 additional tables that analyze the content found in the Compendium by age, gender, and race/ethnicity. 
  • The Annual Report on People with Disabilities in America, which graphically represents trends of key statistics from the Compendium.  
  • Infographics in the Collection are curated through partnerships with organizations that specialize in the intersectionality of disability with other identities.  
  • The Annual Disability Statistics Standard Errors Companion, new to the Collection this year, details the standard errors of percent and standard errors of frequency for applicable tables in the Compendium. 

All publications are available online at https://disabilitycompendium.org. The Annual Report on People with Disabilities in America and the infographics are also available in print format. 

The State Reports for County-Level Data on Prevalence is intended to be an online complement to Section 1: Population and Prevalence of the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium and Annual Disability Statistics Supplement, providing greater detail within each state. This report can be used to compare county-level statistics between counties in any given state or states.

The following report provides county-level statistics for Kentucky. In this report, the prevalence of people with disabilities is presented as the number of people with disabilities in a given state and county per total state and county populations, respectively. Counts and percentages are provided in tables and maps.

Specific to Kentucky, the state chosen for this report, sentences providing interpretation and context for prevalence statistics are included in the Interpretation section. A short glossary of terms is also provided at the end of the report explaining the statistics that are illustrated in each sentence.

Notes on the data. The State Reports for County-Level Data on Employment is composed of data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year data. We used the most recent data wherever available.

ACS 5-year includes data from 2021 and data from the four previous years. 5-year data is collected over a longer period of time than 1-year data, providing larger sample sizes and increased reliability for less populated areas and small population subgroups.

In the ACS, people are identified as having a disability based on responses to a series of six questions asking about having difficulties with vision, hearing, ambulation, cognition, self-care, and independent living (see glossary for further details).

Exploring other topics. The UNH Institute on Disability is dedicated to thorough research and has explored topics such as understanding the factors associated with the health disparities experienced by people with intellectual disabilities through the Health Disparities Project (https://iod.unh.edu/health-disparities-project) and career self-management through job crafting for people with physical and mild cognitive disabilities (https://iod.unh.edu/career-self-management-through-job-crafting-people-physical-mild-cognitive-disabilities). 

Additional Resources. A companion Annual Report is available, providing graphical representations of key findings. The Annual Report highlights trend data related to specific tables in the Compendium and Supplement. The statistics presented here, as well as those in the Compendium, Supplement, and Annual Report, can be viewed and downloaded at https://disabilitycompendium.org/.

Help navigating any of the resources described here can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions section at https://disabilitycompendium.org/faq. Assistance interpreting and locating additional statistics is available via our toll-free number, 866-538-9521, or by email at disability.statistics@unh.edu. For more information about our research projects, please visit https://www.researchondisability.org.

Suggested Citation. Paul, S., Rogers, S., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2023). 2023 State Report for Kentucky County-Level Data: Prevalence. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.


The following statements are designed to help understand the 2021 county-level statistics from Kentucky that are presented:


  • For the number of people with and without disabilities:
    • The range of total people across Kentucky counties, also known as the difference between the largest and smallest counts of people across Kentucky counties, was 770,181.
      • The county with the greatest number of total people was Jefferson (772,320 people).
      • The county with the least number of total people was Robertson (2,139 people).
    • The average number of total people across all counties was 36,803.
    • The median, also known as the middle-most number, of total people across Kentucky counties was 18,966


  • For the number of people with disabilities:
    • The range of people with disabilities across Kentucky counties, also known as the difference between the largest and smallest counts of people with disabilities across Kentucky counties, was 107,093.
      • The county with the greatest number of people with disabilities was Jefferson (107,354 people).
      • The county with the least number of people with disabilities was Robertson (261 people).
    • The average number of people with disabilities across all counties was 6,403.
    • The median, also known as the middle-most number, of people with disabilities across Kentucky counties was 3,728.
  • For the percentage of people with disabilities:
    • For the entire state of Kentucky, the overall percentage of people with disabilities is 17.4%.
      • The county with the highest percentage of people with disabilities was Wolfe (37.7%).
      • The county with the lowest percentage of people with disabilities was Oldham (9.0%).


  • For the number of people without disabilities:
    • The range of people without disabilities across Kentucky counties, also known as the difference between the largest and smallest counts of people without disabilities across Kentucky counties, was 663,088.
      • The county with the greatest number of people without disabilities was Jefferson (664,966 people).
      • The county with the least number of people without disabilities was Robertson (1,878 people).
    • The average number of people without disabilities across all counties was 30,400.
    • The median, also known as the middle-most number, of people without disabilities across Kentucky counties was 15,084.
  • For the percentage of people without disabilities:
    • For the entire state of Kentucky, the overall percentage of people without disabilities is 82.6%.
      • The county with the highest percentage of people without disabilities was Oldham (91.0%).
      • The county with the lowest percentage of people without disabilities was Wolfe (62.3%).


Prevalence of People with and without Disabilities for Kentucky, by County: 2021
County Total Disability No Disability   County Total Disability No Disability
Count % Count % Count % Count %
  Kentucky   4,416,344 768,360 17.4 3,647,984 82.6     Clay        19,297   5,669 29.4    13,628 70.6
   Adair        18,572   3,710 20.0    14,862 80.0   Clinton        9,215   2,031 22.0     7,184 78.0
   Allen        20,411   3,702 18.1    16,709 81.9  Crittenden      8,763   2,576 29.4     6,187 70.6
  Anderson      23,557   4,416 18.7    19,141 81.3  Cumberland      5,949     967 16.3     4,982 83.7
  Ballard        7,700   1,323 17.2     6,377 82.8   Daviess      100,665  16,028 15.9    84,637 84.1
   Barren       43,665   9,245 21.2    34,420 78.8   Edmonson      12,086   3,104 25.7     8,982 74.3
    Bath        12,622   3,101 24.6     9,521 75.4   Elliott        6,017   1,666 27.7     4,351 72.3
    Bell        24,065   6,172 25.6    17,893 74.4    Estill       14,049   3,900 27.8    10,149 72.2
   Boone       133,812  15,460 11.6   118,352 88.4   Fayette      317,185  39,790 12.5   277,395 87.5
  Bourbon       20,094   3,694 18.4    16,400 81.6   Fleming       14,994   3,322 22.2    11,672 77.8
    Boyd        46,919  11,235 23.9    35,684 76.1    Floyd        35,664   9,183 25.7    26,481 74.3
   Boyle        29,098   4,886 16.8    24,212 83.2   Franklin      50,441   8,873 17.6    41,568 82.4
  Bracken        8,367   1,305 15.6     7,062 84.4    Fulton        6,080   1,207 19.9     4,873 80.1
 Breathitt      13,537   4,302 31.8     9,235 68.2   Gallatin       8,642   1,317 15.2     7,325 84.8
Breckinridge    20,087   4,107 20.4    15,980 79.6   Garrard       16,929   2,963 17.5    13,966 82.5
  Bullitt       81,329  13,049 16.0    68,280 84.0    Grant        24,577   3,813 15.5    20,764 84.5
   Butler       12,225   2,365 19.3     9,860 80.7    Graves       36,445   7,018 19.3    29,427 80.7
  Caldwell      12,538   3,583 28.6     8,955 71.4   Grayson       26,022   5,375 20.7    20,647 79.3
  Calloway      36,995   6,742 18.2    30,253 81.8    Green        11,032   3,078 27.9     7,954 72.1
  Campbell      91,679  11,469 12.5    80,210 87.5   Greenup       35,609   7,493 21.0    28,116 79.0
  Carlisle       4,759     726 15.3     4,033 84.7   Hancock        8,970   1,640 18.3     7,330 81.7
  Carroll       10,527   1,565 14.9     8,962 85.1    Hardin      105,315  16,825 16.0    88,490 84.0
   Carter       26,520   5,625 21.2    20,895 78.8    Harlan       26,504   7,420 28.0    19,084 72.0
   Casey        15,528   3,005 19.4    12,523 80.6   Harrison      18,526   3,324 17.9    15,202 82.1
 Christian      63,247  11,101 17.6    52,146 82.4     Hart        18,949   3,700 19.5    15,249 80.5
   Clark        36,377   6,726 18.5    29,651 81.5  Henderson      44,085  10,058 22.8    34,027 77.2
Prevalence of People with and without Disabilities for Kentucky, by County: 2021
County Total Disability No Disability   County Total Disability No Disability
Count % Count % Count % Count %
   Henry        15,614   2,973 19.0    12,641 81.0    Mason        16,832   3,223 19.1    13,609 80.9
  Hickman        4,414     887 20.1     3,527 79.9  McCracken      66,266   9,942 15.0    56,324 85.0
  Hopkins       44,542  10,681 24.0    33,861 76.0   McCreary      15,717   3,614 23.0    12,103 77.0
  Jackson       12,929   3,390 26.2     9,539 73.8    McLean        9,100   1,932 21.2     7,168 78.8
 Jefferson     772,320 107,354 13.9   664,966 86.1    Meade        28,814   5,905 20.5    22,909 79.5
 Jessamine      52,615   7,328 13.9    45,287 86.1   Menifee        6,090   1,543 25.3     4,547 74.7
  Johnson       22,247   5,792 26.0    16,455 74.0    Mercer       22,301   3,727 16.7    18,574 83.3
   Kenton      167,046  22,449 13.4   144,597 86.6   Metcalfe      10,199   2,253 22.1     7,946 77.9
   Knott        14,413   4,349 30.2    10,064 69.8    Monroe       11,150   2,564 23.0     8,586 77.0
    Knox        30,010   5,810 19.4    24,200 80.6  Montgomery     27,739   5,892 21.2    21,847 78.8
   Larue        14,495   2,915 20.1    11,580 79.9    Morgan       12,246   3,446 28.1     8,800 71.9
   Laurel       61,277  10,935 17.8    50,342 82.2  Muhlenberg     30,283   7,401 24.4    22,882 75.6
  Lawrence      16,185   3,674 22.7    12,511 77.3    Nelson       46,107   7,456 16.2    38,651 83.8
    Lee          6,705   1,997 29.8     4,708 70.2   Nicholas       7,423   1,577 21.2     5,846 78.8
   Leslie       10,319   2,762 26.8     7,557 73.2     Ohio        23,545   4,061 17.2    19,484 82.8
  Letcher       21,588   6,550 30.3    15,038 69.7    Oldham       64,158   5,786  9.0    58,372 91.0
   Lewis        12,975   2,567 19.8    10,408 80.2     Owen        11,066   1,907 17.2     9,159 82.8
  Lincoln       24,088   4,209 17.5    19,879 82.5    Owsley        4,015   1,364 34.0     2,651 66.0
 Livingston      8,940   2,594 29.0     6,346 71.0  Pendleton      14,536   2,680 18.4    11,856 81.6
   Logan        27,010   4,428 16.4    22,582 83.6    Perry        27,871   8,792 31.5    19,079 68.5
    Lyon         7,394   2,747 37.2     4,647 62.8     Pike        58,229  16,280 28.0    41,949 72.0
  Madison       91,336  14,615 16.0    76,721 84.0    Powell       12,771   2,979 23.3     9,792 76.7
  Magoffin      11,703   3,497 29.9     8,206 70.1   Pulaski       63,967  11,746 18.4    52,221 81.6
   Marion       18,551   3,952 21.3    14,599 78.7  Robertson       2,139     261 12.2     1,878 87.8
  Marshall      31,104   6,172 19.8    24,932 80.2  Rockcastle     15,883   3,741 23.6    12,142 76.4
   Martin       10,187   3,201 31.4     6,986 68.6    Rowan        24,388   3,913 16.0    20,475 84.0
Prevalence of People with and without Disabilities for Kentucky, by County: 2021
County Total Disability No Disability   County Total Disability No Disability
Count % Count % Count % Count %
  Russell       17,694   3,592 20.3    14,102 79.7                                                   
   Scott        56,006   7,501 13.4    48,505 86.6                                                   
   Shelby       46,526   6,081 13.1    40,445 86.9                                                   
  Simpson       18,983   2,706 14.3    16,277 85.7                                                   
  Spencer       19,147   2,800 14.6    16,347 85.4                                                   
   Taylor       25,491   5,408 21.2    20,083 78.8                                                   
    Todd        12,031   1,872 15.6    10,159 84.4                                                   
   Trigg        13,994   3,591 25.7    10,403 74.3                                                   
  Trimble        8,455   1,679 19.9     6,776 80.1                                                   
   Union        13,645   3,547 26.0    10,098 74.0                                                   
   Warren      132,068  18,510 14.0   113,558 86.0                                                   
 Washington     11,845   2,226 18.8     9,619 81.2                                                   
   Wayne        19,462   4,332 22.3    15,130 77.7                                                   
  Webster       12,699   3,728 29.4     8,971 70.6                                                   
  Whitley       36,073   8,003 22.2    28,070 77.8                                                   
   Wolfe         6,514   2,455 37.7     4,059 62.3                                                   
  Woodford      26,629   3,562 13.4    23,067 86.6                                                   
Count of People with Disabilities for Kentucky, by County: 2021

Percentage of People with Disabilities for Kentucky, by County: 2021


There are a number of concepts and factors which complicate the interpretation of the estimates presented in this report. These concerns affect all statistics from population-based surveys. The estimates included in this document should be interpreted the following limitations in mind and generalized with caution. In each point, a link to the U.S. Census Bureau website describing the limitation or concept in greater detail in the ACS has been provided.

Additional links to resources for the ACS:


American Community Survey (ACS) — The American Community Survey is a large, continuous demographic survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau that will provide accurate and up-to-date profiles of America’s communities every year. Annual and multiyear estimates of population and housing data are generated for small areas, including tracts and population subgroups. This information is collected by mailing questionnaires to a sample of addresses. See the U.S. Census Bureau website for additional details.

The Six Disability Questions in the American Community Survey:

  1. Is this person deaf or does he/she have serious difficulty hearing? (yes or no)
  2. Is this person blind or does he/she have serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses? (yes or no)
  3. (If person 5 years old or over) Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, does this person have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions? (yes or no)
  4. (If person 5 years or old over) Does this person have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs? (yes or no)
  5. (If person 5 years old or over) Does this person have difficulty dressing or bathing? (yes or no)
  6. (If person 15 years old or over) Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, does this person have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor’s office or shopping? (yes or no)

Average — The sum of all of the values in a sample divided by the number of values in the sample.

Civilian — A person not in active-duty military.

Median — The middlemost value of a sample that separates the upper half of the values from the lower half of the values. 

Non-Institutionalized Population — Describes individuals who are residing in the community and who are not living in institutions such as jails, prisons, nursing homes, hospitals, etc.

Population — The total number of inhabitants in a defined geographic area including all races, classes, and groups.

Prevalence — The proportion of the population with a particular status or condition. Prevalence is usually expressed as a percentage or a number of people per unit of the population.

Prevalence Rate — The prevalence of a particular status or condition estimated over a specific period of time.

Range — The difference between the largest and smallest values in a sample. In a sample, when the smallest value is subtracted from the largest value the resulting value is called the range. 

Sampling Variability — The variation of a statistic when estimated from repeated samples.

United States Census Bureau — An agency within the United States Federal Statistical System tasked with producing data about the American people and economy. Their primary task is to conduct the United States Census every ten years.

About the Center

Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Disability Statistics and Demographics (StatsRRTC)

Led by the University of New Hampshire, the StatsRRTC is a collaborative effort involving the following partners: American Association of People with Disabilities, Center for Essential Management Services, Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation, Kessler Foundation, Mathematica Policy Research, and Public Health Institute.

The StatsRRTC is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research under grant number 90RTGE0001, from 2018–2023.

Contact Information
University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability
10 West Edge Drive, Suite 101
Durham, NH 03824
Toll-Free Telephone/TTY: 866-538-9521
E-mail: Disability.Statistics@unh.edu