2023 Annual Disability Statistics Compendium


Section 6: Poverty

This section presents statistics on poverty in the United States. The statistics describe the number and percentage of people with and without disabilities who experience poverty as well as the difference between the poverty rates of people with and without disabilities (poverty gap). The principal source of these data is the American Community Survey. For these tables, statistics for people with disabilities (disability status) are based on having responded ‘yes’ to a series of questions within the American Community Survey (see the glossary for details). Poverty is defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget and set as a dollar threshold by the U.S. Census Bureau (see the glossary for details).


Tables 6.1 and 6.2: In 2021, of the 21,375,164 individuals with disabilities ages 18-64 years who were living in the community, 5,420,980 individuals lived in poverty—a poverty rate of 25.4 percent. In contrast, of the 177,527,241 individuals without disabilities ages 18-64 years living in the community, 21,009,430 individuals lived in poverty—a poverty rate of 11.8 percent. The poverty rate for people with disabilities was highest in the District of Columbia (37.8 percent) and lowest in New Hampshire (18.6 percent).

Table 6.3: In 2021, the poverty rate of individuals with disabilities ages 18-64 years living in the community was 25.4 percent, while the poverty rate of individuals without disabilities ages 18-64 years living in the community was 11.8 percent—a difference of 13.6 percentage points. The poverty gap was smallest in Idaho (a difference of 8.4 percentage points) and greatest in Maine (a difference of 23.2 percentage points).

Table 6.1 Poverty — Civilians with Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2021
State Total Poverty   State Total Poverty
Count % Count %
U.S. 21,375,164 5,420,980 25.4 MO    455,483   126,640 27.8
AL    427,044   117,608 27.5 MT     75,444    19,276 25.6
AK     57,446    13,785 24.0 NE    127,695    27,349 21.4
AZ    462,266   101,643 22.0 NV    203,594    50,241 24.7
AR    270,410    75,911 28.1 NH     86,205    16,022 18.6
CA  2,094,680   470,724 22.5 NJ    442,236    95,270 21.5
CO    334,153    64,675 19.4 NM    172,088    54,792 31.8
CT    210,733    50,433 23.9 NY  1,137,516   330,786 29.1
DE     63,108    13,653 21.6 NC    721,213   176,724 24.5
DC     45,567    17,222 37.8 ND     47,057    10,371 22.0
FL  1,294,357   304,721 23.5 OH    844,365   240,989 28.5
GA    718,796   174,123 24.2 OK    355,773    95,550 26.9
HI     70,655    20,003 28.3 OR    337,722    90,697 26.9
ID    129,963    24,273 18.7 PA    862,692   237,259 27.5
IL    738,699   187,135 25.3 RI     79,542    18,802 23.6
IN    475,999   120,215 25.3 SC    371,131    96,339 26.0
IA    200,714    57,854 28.8 SD     54,749    16,383 29.9
KS    201,587    56,306 27.9 TN    536,506   151,658 28.3
KY    425,527   138,531 32.6 TX  1,812,286   403,925 22.3
LA    382,524   120,020 31.4 UT    194,928    38,294 19.6
ME    111,109    37,853 34.1 VT     44,065    15,631 35.5
MD    347,449    82,539 23.8 VA    525,816   118,857 22.6
MA    390,447   102,885 26.4 WA    515,893   121,811 23.6
MI    717,556   188,470 26.3 WV    171,095    53,491 31.3
MN    346,254    80,760 23.3 WI    361,742    97,088 26.8
MS    283,513    87,026 30.7 WY     37,772     8,367 22.2
Table 6.2 Poverty — Civilians without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2021
State Total Poverty   State Total Poverty
Count % Count %
U.S. 177,527,241 21,009,430 11.8 MO   3,177,937    370,852 11.7
AL   2,547,331    367,778 14.4 MT     564,962     64,914 11.5
AK     370,838     33,653  9.1 NE   1,014,311    108,560 10.7
AZ   3,777,370    457,898 12.1 NV   1,690,271    205,887 12.2
AR   1,491,911    214,436 14.4 NH     770,904     59,707  7.7
CA  22,007,153  2,480,168 11.3 NJ   5,176,776    476,003  9.2
CO   3,274,242    318,690  9.7 NM   1,047,810    180,943 17.3
CT   1,991,370    207,891 10.4 NY  10,983,027  1,432,571 13.0
DE     520,770     59,928 11.5 NC   5,562,607    725,055 13.0
DC     404,964     69,093 17.1 ND     408,160     46,288 11.3
FL  11,356,405  1,358,578 12.0 OH   6,129,834    737,192 12.0
GA   5,805,086    738,519 12.7 OK   1,962,381    274,575 14.0
HI     729,300     75,941 10.4 OR   2,232,682    264,638 11.9
ID     971,484    100,070 10.3 PA   6,848,016    773,287 11.3
IL   6,917,512    762,258 11.0 RI     600,499     78,618 13.1
IN   3,564,936    416,259 11.7 SC   2,671,976    384,092 14.4
IA   1,668,525    195,198 11.7 SD     453,506     57,363 12.6
KS   1,507,357    174,964 11.6 TN   3,641,442    452,364 12.4
KY   2,242,246    325,631 14.5 TX  15,981,386  1,990,079 12.5
LA   2,309,022    399,106 17.3 UT   1,789,229    151,403  8.5
ME     709,211     77,357 10.9 VT     348,202     45,247 13.0
MD   3,371,887    313,337  9.3 VA   4,629,055    474,910 10.3
MA   3,981,891    460,415 11.6 WA   4,199,025    392,243  9.3
MI   5,301,641    647,265 12.2 WV     863,113    143,242 16.6
MN   3,065,749    261,593  8.5 WI   3,165,531    327,884 10.4
MS   1,426,633    239,182 16.8 WY     299,765     36,305 12.1
Table 6.3 Poverty Gap — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States, by Disability Status: 2021
State Poverty Rate (%) Gap (% pts) [3]   State Poverty Rate (%) Gap (% pts) [3]
Disability [1] No Disability [2] Disability [1] No Disability [2]
U.S. 25.4 11.8 13.6 MO 27.8 11.7 16.1
AL 27.5 14.4 13.1 MT 25.6 11.5 14.1
AK 24.0  9.1 14.9 NE 21.4 10.7 10.7
AZ 22.0 12.1  9.9 NV 24.7 12.2 12.5
AR 28.1 14.4 13.7 NH 18.6  7.7 10.9
CA 22.5 11.3 11.2 NJ 21.5  9.2 12.3
CO 19.4  9.7  9.7 NM 31.8 17.3 14.5
CT 23.9 10.4 13.5 NY 29.1 13.0 16.1
DE 21.6 11.5 10.1 NC 24.5 13.0 11.5
DC 37.8 17.1 20.7 ND 22.0 11.3 10.7
FL 23.5 12.0 11.5 OH 28.5 12.0 16.5
GA 24.2 12.7 11.5 OK 26.9 14.0 12.9
HI 28.3 10.4 17.9 OR 26.9 11.9 15.0
ID 18.7 10.3  8.4 PA 27.5 11.3 16.2
IL 25.3 11.0 14.3 RI 23.6 13.1 10.5
IN 25.3 11.7 13.6 SC 26.0 14.4 11.6
IA 28.8 11.7 17.1 SD 29.9 12.6 17.3
KS 27.9 11.6 16.3 TN 28.3 12.4 15.9
KY 32.6 14.5 18.1 TX 22.3 12.5  9.8
LA 31.4 17.3 14.1 UT 19.6  8.5 11.1
ME 34.1 10.9 23.2 VT 35.5 13.0 22.5
MD 23.8  9.3 14.5 VA 22.6 10.3 12.3
MA 26.4 11.6 14.8 WA 23.6  9.3 14.3
MI 26.3 12.2 14.1 WV 31.3 16.6 14.7
MN 23.3  8.5 14.8 WI 26.8 10.4 16.4
MS 30.7 16.8 13.9 WY 22.2 12.1 10.1