2023 Annual Disability Statistics Compendium


Section 7: Home Environment

This section presents statistics on the home environment for people with and without disabilities in the United States. The home environment includes factors such as housing quality, age of home (i.e., year built), and housing type (i.e., house, apartment, mobile homes). More specifically, the housing quality features that are presented here include: lacking a complete kitchen, lacking complete plumbing, overcrowding (two or more people living in home per bedroom), and cost burden (thirty percent or more of household income spent on housing costs). The age of home statistic presented is whether a home was built in 1990 or after (the year the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law). Statistics for people with disabilities (disability status or disability type) are based on having responded ‘yes’ to a series of questions within the American Community Survey (see the glossary for more details).

The poor housing quality measure presented in this section identifies people who are experiencing two of four possible difficulties related to housing quality described above. This measure is part of a larger multidimensional deprivation index that is considered a measure of poverty. Multidimensional deprivation is a more holistic, comprehensive view of well-being than traditional income-based poverty measures. It includes people who may be facing difficulties or hardships who may not be income poor. The housing quality element of deprivation captures people experiencing difficulties with physical space and security within their own home. Our estimates were based on reports on multidimensional deprivation published by researchers at the Census Bureau, including:

Glassman, Brian, “Multidimensional Deprivation in the United States: 2017," American Community Survey Reports, ACS-40, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC, 2019.

This report on multidimensional deprivation can be found online: https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2019/demo/acs-40.pdf.


Table 7.1: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities living in homes without a complete kitchen was California with 27,612 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities living in homes without a complete kitchen was Alaska (3.7 percent).

Table 7.2: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities living in homes without complete plumbing was Texas with 19,332 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities living in homes without complete plumbing was Alaska (5.4 percent).

Table 7.3: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities living in overcrowded homes was California with 208,779 people. The greatest percentage of people with disabilities living in overcrowded homes was in California (10.3 percent).

Table 7.4: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities experiencing housing cost burden was California with 870,460 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities experiencing housing cost burden was Hawaii and Vermont (46.6 percent).

Table 7.5: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities experiencing poor housing quality was California with 431,398 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities experiencing poor housing quality was the District of Columbia (24.5 percent).

Table 7.6: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities living in homes built in 1990 or later was Texas with 811,704 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities living in homes built in 1990 or later was Nevada (55.1 percent).

Table 7.7: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities living in houses (not apartments or mobile homes) was California with 1,328,673 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities living in houses (not apartments or mobile homes) was Delaware (75.5 percent).

Table 7.8: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities living in apartments (not houses or mobile homes) was California with 595,569 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities living in apartments (not houses or mobile homes) was the District of Columbia (67.4 percent).

Table 7.9: In 2021, the state with the greatest number of people with disabilities living in mobile homes (not houses or apartments) was Texas with 168,973 people. The state with the greatest percentage of people with disabilities living in mobile homes was South Carolina (21.2 percent).  

Table 7.1 Home Environment — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community in a Home Environment that Lacks a Complete Kitchen for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 212,244 1.0 855,097 0.5 MO   7,250 1.6  12,904 0.4
AL   5,036 1.2  12,135 0.5 MT   1,991 2.8   3,353 0.6
AK   2,044 3.7   7,375 2.0 NE   3,891 0.4
AZ   4,297 0.9  18,588 0.5 NV   3,053 1.5   9,617 0.6
AR   3,196 1.2   8,395 0.6 NH   1,526 1.8   2,874 0.4
CA  27,612 1.4 159,765 0.7 NJ   4,607 1.1  25,510 0.5
CO   3,086 0.9   8,519 0.3 NM   2,208 1.3   9,101 0.9
CT   3,226 1.6   5,860 0.3 NY  10,320 0.9  51,309 0.5
DE NC   5,349 0.8  15,047 0.3
DC ND   1,194 0.3
FL  10,710 0.8  58,865 0.5 OH   8,555 1.0  28,827 0.5
GA   6,166 0.9  23,440 0.4 OK   3,865 1.1  11,466 0.6
HI   1,384 2.0   6,417 0.9 OR   2,385 0.7  10,564 0.5
ID   1,374 1.1   3,359 0.3 PA  10,938 1.3  32,410 0.5
IL   6,820 0.9  20,831 0.3 RI   1,580 0.3
IN   4,802 1.0  16,528 0.5 SC   1,422 0.4   9,840 0.4
IA     385 0.2   8,280 0.5 SD   2,817 0.6
KS   1,862 1.0   7,633 0.5 TN   4,773 0.9  17,333 0.5
KY   2,769 0.7  13,918 0.6 TX  18,653 1.0  79,116 0.5
LA   3,389 0.9   9,724 0.4 UT   1,307 0.7   3,309 0.2
ME   2,079 0.3 VT     940 0.3
MD   2,835 0.8  15,788 0.5 VA   3,899 0.8  17,081 0.4
MA   4,257 1.1  17,836 0.5 WA   4,964 1.0  14,750 0.4
MI   6,326 0.9  20,403 0.4 WV   2,210 0.3
MN   2,467 0.7  15,111 0.5 WI   3,273 0.9  16,410 0.5
MS   1,582 0.6   7,766 0.6 WY
Table 7.2 Home Environment — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community in a Home Environment that Lacks Complete Plumbing for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 140,455 0.7 578,394 0.3 MO   3,859 0.9  11,720 0.4
AL   2,124 0.5   6,826 0.3 MT   2,011 2.8   2,545 0.5
AK   3,019 5.4   9,931 2.8 NE   4,043 0.4
AZ   3,904 0.9  21,154 0.6 NV   1,711 0.8   5,866 0.3
AR   1,774 0.7   6,245 0.4 NH   2,321 0.3
CA  11,463 0.6  68,684 0.3 NJ   1,873 0.4  12,498 0.2
CO   2,388 0.7  10,450 0.3 NM   3,408 2.0  11,705 1.1
CT   2,288 1.2   4,038 0.2 NY   6,316 0.6  38,474 0.4
DE NC   3,554 0.5   8,408 0.2
DC   1,368 0.4 ND
FL   7,233 0.6  40,336 0.4 OH   4,076 0.5  18,020 0.3
GA   2,221 0.3  16,367 0.3 OK   4,184 1.2   8,007 0.4
HI     921 1.3   3,358 0.5 OR   3,353 1.0   6,545 0.3
ID   1,707 0.2 PA   5,721 0.7  24,971 0.4
IL   4,018 0.6  13,790 0.2 RI
IN   2,859 0.6   9,180 0.3 SC   1,167 0.3   4,378 0.2
IA   8,052 0.5 SD   1,935 0.4
KS   5,495 0.4 TN   3,694 0.7  12,100 0.3
KY   2,868 0.7   8,684 0.4 TX  19,332 1.1  63,916 0.4
LA   2,383 0.6   6,270 0.3 UT   1,166 0.6   4,668 0.3
ME   2,646 0.4 VT     800 0.2
MD   1,977 0.6  12,796 0.4 VA   2,409 0.5  11,029 0.2
MA   1,704 0.5  11,499 0.3 WA   2,538 0.5  10,109 0.2
MI   4,409 0.6  13,627 0.3 WV     992 0.6   2,189 0.3
MN   1,359 0.4  10,472 0.3 WI   2,048 0.6  12,464 0.4
MS   1,462 0.5   3,275 0.2 WY
Table 7.3 Home Environment — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community in an Overcrowded Home Environment for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 899,706  4.3 8,831,472  5.1 MO   9,090  2.0    75,959  2.4
AL   6,310  1.5    55,988  2.2 MT   3,355  4.7    20,168  3.6
AK   3,185  5.7    27,989  7.8 NE   4,518  3.6    35,774  3.6
AZ  27,846  6.1   198,137  5.3 NV   9,745  4.8    86,771  5.1
AR  13,376  5.0    46,303  3.2 NH   3,400  4.1    15,545  2.1
CA 208,779 10.3 2,557,168 11.8 NJ  15,658  3.6   293,618  5.7
CO   8,517  2.6    96,029  3.0 NM  10,596  6.3    52,289  5.0
CT   6,573  3.3    56,249  2.9 NY  75,763  6.9   916,652  8.6
DE     719  1.2    12,735  2.5 NC  17,714  2.5   141,215  2.6
DC   3,176  7.5    20,395  5.4 ND   2,650  5.8     7,882  2.0
FL  49,661  3.9   511,500  4.6 OH  22,043  2.7   142,601  2.4
GA  19,388  2.7   176,341  3.1 OK  13,042  3.7    67,040  3.5
HI   5,046  7.4    77,334 10.8 OR  14,893  4.6    93,913  4.3
ID   4,440  3.4    39,895  4.1 PA  26,135  3.2   171,511  2.6
IL  25,605  3.6   290,562  4.3 RI   3,544  4.6    22,413  3.9
IN  12,933  2.8   102,737  2.9 SC   8,542  2.3    65,806  2.5
IA   3,040  1.6    46,483  2.9 SD   4,209  8.5    16,039  3.6
KS   8,897  4.6    49,297  3.3 TN  18,448  3.5    99,878  2.8
KY  11,069  2.6    68,385  3.1 TX  84,674  4.7   961,180  6.1
LA   9,108  2.4    77,119  3.4 UT   6,067  3.2    58,764  3.3
ME   5,687  5.3    14,490  2.1 VT     7,462  2.2
MD  11,036  3.3   141,274  4.3 VA  13,119  2.6   126,884  2.8
MA  15,277  4.1   118,164  3.1 WA  22,224  4.4   196,128  4.7
MI  18,037  2.6   140,249  2.7 WV   4,158  2.5    19,691  2.3
MN   9,778  3.0    84,944  2.8 WI   8,134  2.3    75,437  2.4
MS   8,665  3.1    40,925  2.9 WY     7,328  2.5
Table 7.4 Home Environment — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community Experiencing Housing Cost Burden for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 7,223,930 34.7 41,415,568 23.7 MO   143,954 32.2    526,307 16.9
AL   115,420 27.4    454,501 18.2 MT    21,391 29.8    112,432 20.3
AK    19,758 35.6     77,154 21.4 NE    38,310 30.7    175,184 17.7
AZ   150,009 32.8    846,400 22.7 NV    75,629 37.5    464,434 27.6
AR    78,151 29.3    259,312 17.7 NH    27,560 33.0    132,947 17.8
CA   870,460 43.1  7,132,300 32.8 NJ   181,188 42.2  1,422,943 27.8
CO   119,444 36.4    834,635 25.8 NM    58,183 34.5    218,107 21.0
CT    77,844 39.5    480,654 24.7 NY   473,335 43.2  3,202,406 29.9
DE    21,770 35.1    110,969 21.7 NC   221,945 31.4  1,089,301 20.0
DC    16,737 39.7    104,028 27.5 ND    12,920 28.4     65,042 16.4
FL   477,352 37.5  3,211,649 28.6 OH   252,730 30.8    993,814 16.5
GA   223,790 31.7  1,298,656 22.7 OK   107,135 30.5    369,473 19.1
HI    31,873 46.6    215,021 30.0 OR   129,475 39.6    550,741 25.0
ID    34,678 26.8    196,293 20.4 PA   270,682 32.8  1,199,364 18.0
IL   245,306 34.1  1,502,387 22.0 RI    28,705 37.5    145,293 25.2
IN   131,482 28.2    556,123 15.9 SC   109,475 29.9    531,597 20.3
IA    64,010 33.1    257,834 15.9 SD    11,029 22.3     69,744 15.8
KS    62,623 32.1    262,986 17.7 TN   162,764 31.0    721,129 20.1
KY   126,889 30.2    394,257 18.0 TX   583,244 32.6  3,900,823 24.6
LA   127,527 33.8    529,144 23.2 UT    59,039 31.2    355,929 20.1
ME    33,333 31.4    130,963 18.9 VT    19,138 46.6     64,446 19.4
MD   126,486 37.4    772,363 23.3 VA   167,572 32.8    986,226 21.7
MA   153,640 41.1    963,717 25.2 WA   179,798 35.9  1,003,443 24.2
MI   226,120 32.6    981,211 18.8 WV    43,663 25.8    138,447 16.3
MN    98,552 29.8    511,307 16.9 WI   113,199 32.3    531,160 17.1
MS    85,669 30.5    281,596 20.1 WY    12,757 34.1     66,496 22.6
Table 7.5 Home Environment — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community in Poor Housing for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 3,285,049 15.8 16,194,989  9.3 MO    61,017 13.7    198,140  6.3
AL    56,855 13.5    172,480  6.9 MT     9,040 12.6     35,018  6.3
AK    10,964 19.7     33,654  9.3 NE    17,512 14.0     55,806  5.6
AZ    63,007 13.8    329,765  8.8 NV    35,073 17.4    182,008 10.8
AR    30,321 11.4     90,118  6.1 NH    12,848 15.4     35,774  4.8
CA   431,398 21.4  3,221,819 14.8 NJ    85,731 20.0    552,762 10.8
CO    45,416 13.8    275,210  8.5 NM    26,730 15.8     92,352  8.9
CT    32,232 16.4    170,653  8.8 NY   248,641 22.7  1,463,781 13.7
DE     7,939 12.8     42,239  8.3 NC    89,275 12.6    385,299  7.1
DC    10,330 24.5     42,122 11.1 ND     6,015 13.2     23,660  6.0
FL   218,286 17.1  1,220,939 10.9 OH   109,766 13.4    363,613  6.0
GA    93,245 13.2    466,748  8.2 OK    48,408 13.8    132,411  6.9
HI    15,148 22.1     88,678 12.4 OR    58,650 17.9    197,101  8.9
ID    13,852 10.7     63,814  6.6 PA   134,923 16.3    452,731  6.8
IL   110,538 15.4    565,839  8.3 RI    13,364 17.5     48,883  8.5
IN    55,295 11.8    201,923  5.8 SC    42,395 11.6    201,231  7.7
IA    26,187 13.5     91,452  5.6 SD     6,934 14.0     24,563  5.6
KS    29,096 14.9     91,570  6.2 TN    70,220 13.4    262,816  7.3
KY    61,677 14.7    151,687  6.9 TX   253,921 14.2  1,534,496  9.7
LA    56,440 15.0    205,214  9.0 UT    21,319 11.3    103,136  5.8
ME    14,389 13.5     38,348  5.5 VT     8,749 21.3     20,375  6.1
MD    63,438 18.8    296,603  8.9 VA    72,279 14.1    351,057  7.7
MA    71,529 19.1    353,234  9.2 WA    81,226 16.2    344,903  8.3
MI   101,267 14.6    377,118  7.2 WV    16,476  9.7     54,114  6.4
MN    43,426 13.1    171,277  5.7 WI    46,715 13.3    182,041  5.9
MS    40,509 14.4    109,506  7.8 WY     5,015 13.4     21,287  7.2
Table 7.6 Home Environment — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community in Housing Built in 1990 or Later for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 6,822,939 32.8 69,434,924 39.8 MO   130,421 29.2  1,245,147 39.9
AL   173,953 41.3  1,277,606 51.0 MT    22,404 31.2    238,596 43.1
AK    21,214 38.2    149,189 41.4 NE    35,452 28.4    351,595 35.5
AZ   218,670 47.9  2,088,697 56.0 NV   111,013 55.1  1,090,500 64.7
AR   108,436 40.6    756,823 51.6 NH    21,606 25.8    237,863 31.8
CA   520,617 25.8  6,502,086 29.9 NJ    81,701 19.0  1,284,012 25.1
CO   125,568 38.3  1,545,816 47.8 NM    59,268 35.1    477,811 46.1
CT    29,778 15.1    421,046 21.7 NY   183,210 16.7  1,974,741 18.5
DE    21,267 34.3    240,379 47.1 NC   328,816 46.6  3,164,571 58.0
DC     8,934 21.2     83,579 22.1 ND    17,070 37.5    174,755 44.0
FL   529,244 41.6  5,445,710 48.4 OH   168,959 20.6  1,831,561 30.4
GA   346,422 49.0  3,292,165 57.6 OK   111,636 31.8    807,376 41.8
HI    25,397 37.1    252,400 35.2 OR   115,941 35.5    916,584 41.6
ID    58,353 45.1    535,017 55.6 PA   141,209 17.1  1,713,911 25.7
IL   149,986 20.9  2,025,066 29.7 RI     9,577 12.5    110,809 19.3
IN   130,403 27.9  1,395,032 40.0 SC   173,587 47.5  1,499,468 57.3
IA    43,485 22.5    552,976 34.1 SD    19,303 39.0    193,718 43.8
KS    53,711 27.5    537,237 36.3 TN   217,480 41.4  1,821,159 50.7
KY   145,573 34.7    989,171 45.1 TX   811,704 45.4  8,730,925 55.2
LA   133,200 35.3  1,001,383 43.9 UT    85,052 45.0    982,649 55.5
ME    30,210 28.4    253,700 36.5 VT    12,990 31.6    104,512 31.4
MD    96,590 28.6  1,236,158 37.2 VA   193,018 37.7  2,031,797 44.7
MA    67,389 18.0    892,911 23.3 WA   186,879 37.3  1,930,810 46.5
MI   165,437 23.9  1,638,910 31.4 WV    51,647 30.5    323,883 38.2
MN    99,537 30.1  1,146,103 38.0 WI    90,592 25.9  1,089,904 35.1
MS   125,530 44.6    698,439 49.8 WY    11,979 32.0    118,082 40.1
Table 7.7 Home Environment — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community in Houses for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 13,801,457 66.3 128,560,450 73.6 MO    321,170 71.9   2,541,920 81.5
AL    287,457 68.2   1,904,336 76.1 MT     47,579 66.3     433,618 78.3
AK     33,619 60.5     278,660 77.4 NE     89,770 71.9     816,977 82.4
AZ    305,561 66.9   2,832,862 76.0 NV    126,743 62.9   1,240,464 73.6
AR    184,161 68.9   1,124,812 76.7 NH     51,774 61.9     564,090 75.3
CA  1,328,673 65.8  15,319,478 70.5 NJ    262,048 61.1   3,467,065 67.9
CO    223,137 68.0   2,420,444 74.8 NM    103,277 61.2     732,566 70.6
CT    116,721 59.3   1,414,092 72.8 NY    496,265 45.3   5,641,122 52.7
DE     46,761 75.5     412,037 80.8 NC    460,194 65.2   4,028,242 73.8
DC     13,773 32.6     157,163 41.6 ND     24,215 53.2     285,114 71.7
FL    856,772 67.3   7,969,186 70.9 OH    563,336 68.7   4,851,704 80.6
GA    502,870 71.2   4,382,066 76.7 OK    261,704 74.6   1,555,938 80.6
HI     43,962 64.2     521,353 72.7 OR    205,196 62.8   1,631,850 74.1
ID     96,107 74.3     776,190 80.6 PA    613,792 74.3   5,563,597 83.3
IL    475,095 66.1   4,869,393 71.4 RI     36,443 47.7     386,692 67.2
IN    342,910 73.5   2,903,489 83.3 SC    235,000 64.3   1,886,302 72.1
IA    144,077 74.4   1,355,363 83.5 SD     33,386 67.4     347,160 78.5
KS    139,236 71.3   1,239,896 83.7 TN    364,819 69.4   2,791,694 77.8
KY    270,319 64.4   1,663,318 75.8 TX  1,214,753 67.9  11,568,156 73.1
LA    254,703 67.6   1,692,845 74.2 UT    130,275 68.9   1,419,208 80.1
ME     56,945 53.6     533,025 76.8 VT     22,970 55.9     246,841 74.2
MD    254,480 75.2   2,645,805 79.7 VA    375,578 73.4   3,553,492 78.2
MA    187,231 50.1   2,422,945 63.3 WA    315,321 63.0   3,058,100 73.6
MI    507,103 73.1   4,285,373 82.1 WV    112,110 66.3     658,555 77.8
MN    221,908 67.1   2,465,403 81.7 WI    228,853 65.4   2,386,648 76.8
MS    184,752 65.7   1,047,539 74.7 WY     25,028 66.9     229,626 78.0
Table 7.8 Home Environment — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community in Apartments for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 5,187,907 24.9 37,962,024 21.7 MO    84,748 19.0    438,483 14.1
AL    58,441 13.9    299,384 12.0 MT    15,448 21.5     78,956 14.3
AK    17,272 31.1     65,424 18.2 NE    31,225 25.0    153,043 15.4
AZ   102,951 22.5    658,239 17.7 NV    58,813 29.2    370,971 22.0
AR    42,344 15.9    190,195 13.0 NH    24,713 29.6    162,863 21.7
CA   595,569 29.5  5,849,990 26.9 NJ   161,941 37.7  1,614,644 31.6
CO    87,301 26.6    697,473 21.6 NM    29,970 17.8    121,678 11.7
CT    77,698 39.5    524,538 27.0 NY   567,525 51.8  4,899,417 45.8
DE     9,689 15.6     68,607 13.4 NC   115,322 16.3    818,170 15.0
DC    28,430 67.4    220,914 58.4 ND    15,831 34.8     85,951 21.6
FL   290,364 22.8  2,644,375 23.5 OH   203,623 24.8  1,000,622 16.6
GA   109,578 15.5    923,663 16.2 OK    49,018 14.0    226,517 11.7
HI    23,639 34.5    194,013 27.1 OR    82,937 25.4    433,622 19.7
ID    21,414 16.5    126,592 13.2 PA   172,575 20.9    945,429 14.2
IL   217,671 30.3  1,835,356 26.9 RI    39,645 51.9    186,105 32.3
IN    88,510 19.0    460,389 13.2 SC    53,111 14.5    343,092 13.1
IA    41,332 21.3    222,255 13.7 SD    11,567 23.4     66,528 15.0
KS    44,325 22.7    197,989 13.4 TN    81,495 15.5    546,831 15.2
KY    75,397 18.0    315,684 14.4 TX   404,674 22.6  3,237,662 20.5
LA    56,692 15.0    334,583 14.7 UT    48,707 25.8    311,548 17.6
ME    34,359 32.3    107,339 15.5 VT    14,708 35.8     64,457 19.4
MD    78,693 23.3    640,234 19.3 VA   100,473 19.6    839,524 18.5
MA   182,839 48.9  1,389,772 36.3 WA   139,931 27.9    906,760 21.8
MI   128,988 18.6    704,520 13.5 WV    22,380 13.2     80,528  9.5
MN    90,858 27.5    480,933 15.9 WI   105,288 30.1    664,579 21.4
MS    40,670 14.5    163,105 11.6 WY     6,715 17.9     31,585 10.7
Table 7.9 Home Environment — Civilians with and without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community in Mobile Homes or Other Building Types for the United States and States: 2021
State Disability No Disability   State Disability No Disability
Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%) Count Percent (%)
U.S. 1,837,103  8.8 8,125,324  4.7 MO    41,048  9.2   140,031  4.5
AL    75,668 17.9   299,644 12.0 MT     8,738 12.2    41,007  7.4
AK     4,666  8.4    16,154  4.5 NE     3,831  3.1    20,951  2.1
AZ    48,374 10.6   235,672  6.3 NV    15,884  7.9    74,315  4.4
AR    40,622 15.2   150,725 10.3 NH     7,102  8.5    21,884  2.9
CA    95,418  4.7   564,144  2.6 NJ     5,235  1.2    28,165  0.6
CO    17,782  5.4   117,402  3.6 NM    35,495 21.0   183,249 17.7
CT     2,529  1.3     5,055  0.3 NY    31,951  2.9   159,410  1.5
DE     5,519  8.9    29,575  5.8 NC   130,331 18.5   608,619 11.2
DC ‡  ‡  ND     5,460 12.0    26,516  6.7
FL   125,870  9.9   626,893  5.6 OH    52,918  6.5   164,330  2.7
GA    93,949 13.3   408,820  7.2 OK    40,058 11.4   148,814  7.7
HI ‡      1,421  0.2 OR    38,684 11.8   138,189  6.3
ID    11,902  9.2    59,799  6.2 PA    39,973  4.8   170,683  2.6
IL    26,042  3.6   114,918  1.7 RI ‡      2,626  0.5
IN    35,337  7.6   123,607  3.5 SC    77,620 21.2   388,013 14.8
IA     8,227  4.2    45,803  2.8 SD     4,571  9.2    28,751  6.5
KS    11,807  6.0    43,831  3.0 TN    79,466 15.1   250,555  7.0
KY    73,801 17.6   214,745  9.8 TX   168,973  9.4 1,023,911  6.5
LA    65,629 17.4   252,902 11.1 UT    10,154  5.4    40,247  2.3
ME    14,999 14.1    53,837  7.8 VT     3,420  8.3    21,457  6.4
MD     5,041  1.5    33,431  1.0 VA    35,377  6.9   150,615  3.3
MA     3,534  0.9    13,263  0.3 WA    45,513  9.1   188,084  4.5
MI    57,351  8.3   231,037  4.4 WV    34,643 20.5   107,756 12.7
MN    17,895  5.4    70,630  2.3 WI    15,981  4.6    57,871  1.9
MS    55,811 19.8   191,143 13.6 WY     5,673 15.2    33,049 11.2