2023 Annual Disability Statistics Compendium


Section 8: Veterans

This section presents statistics on veterans in the United States. Specifically, the data address service-connected disability rating; the prevalence of disabilities in the veteran population; the portion of the veteran population that experiences poverty, including the difference between the poverty rates of veterans with and without disabilities (poverty gap), by disability status. The principal sources of these data are the U.S. Census Bureau, specifically the American Community Survey and the Veterans Benefits Administration’s Annual Benefits Report. For these tables, statistics for people with disabilities (disability status) are based on having responded ‘yes’ to a series of questions within the American Community Survey (see the glossary for more details). Poverty is defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget and set as a dollar threshold by the U.S. Census Bureau in all sources (see the glossary for more details).


Table 8.1: In 2021, according to the American Community Survey, 1,956,344 individuals ages 18 and over living in the community reported having a military service-connected disability rating of 70 percent or more.

Table 8.2: In 2021, there were 8,325,505 civilian veterans ages 18-64 years living in the community, 1,631,206 of which were individuals with disabilities, a prevalence rate of 19.6 percent. Vermont had the lowest prevalence rate (10.2 percent) while Oklahoma had the highest prevalence rate (27.2 percent) of disability among their veteran population.

Tables 8.3 and 8.4: In 2021, of the 1,631,206 civilian veterans with disabilities ages 18-64 years living in the community, 242,953 individuals lived in poverty, a poverty rate of 14.9 percent. In contrast, of the 6,694,299 civilian veterans without disabilities ages 18-64 years living in the community, 434,421 civilian veterans lived in poverty, a poverty rate of 6.5 percent. The poverty rate for civilian veterans with disabilities was highest in the District of Columbia (41.7 percent) and lowest in Alaska (5.1 percent).

Table 8.5: In 2021, the poverty rate of civilian veterans with disabilities ages 18-64 years living in the community was 14.9 percent, while the poverty rate of individuals without disabilities ages 18-64 years living in the community was 6.5 percent, a poverty gap of 8.5 percentage points. The poverty gap was smallest in Alaska (-0.7 percentage points) and greatest in the District of Columbia (30.2 percentage points).

Table 8.6: In the Federal Fiscal Year 2020, the United States spent a total of $104,566,124 thousand on compensation and pension benefits paid to disabled veterans.

Table 8.1 Service-Connected Disability Rating — Civilian Veterans Ages 18 Years and Over Living in the Community, by Disability Status: 2021
State Total Veterans Has a Rating Percent Rating Not Reported   State Total Veterans Has a Rating Percent Rating Not Reported
0 10-60 70 Higher 0 10-60 70 Higher
U.S. 16,326,115 4,540,486 184,663 2,399,479 1,956,344 211,080 MO    351,360    91,477   3,347    51,314    36,816   5,303
AL    310,768   101,697   3,901    52,583    45,213   6,569 MT     82,620    24,617     977    14,091     9,549   1,200
AK     55,137    17,912     783     9,951     7,178     624 NE    103,490    39,228     790    24,992    13,446     990
AZ    452,156   120,369   6,125    70,272    43,972   5,738 NV    190,497    57,871   2,535    25,013    30,323   2,752
AR    175,721    53,474   1,299    26,125    26,050   1,996 NH     88,294    20,150     875    13,132     6,143   1,213
CA  1,331,703   365,215  20,152   190,222   154,841  15,763 NJ    278,720    49,526   2,849    25,262    21,415   1,993
CO    346,257   100,641   5,608    53,614    41,419   4,480 NM    130,466    38,236   1,669    17,127    19,440   1,927
CT    141,683    28,609   2,214    17,339     9,056   1,562 NY    607,141   123,041   7,280    64,611    51,150   5,956
DE     56,083    13,690     246     7,362     6,082     671 NC    619,158   198,068   5,409    85,681   106,978  12,736
DC     18,567     5,749      59     2,952     2,738     183 ND     38,288    13,363     253     6,960     6,150     200
FL  1,341,967   373,794  16,537   201,619   155,638  16,535 OH    610,230   132,288   6,623    82,379    43,286   7,433
GA    586,182   191,127   4,924    92,210    93,993  10,936 OK    238,051    91,574   2,020    42,446    47,108   3,038
HI     84,094    29,626   1,427    16,189    12,010     894 OR    257,041    81,040   3,157    41,484    36,399   2,291
ID    121,955    37,077   1,563    22,453    13,061   1,279 PA    631,356   116,510   6,472    62,978    47,060   5,542
IL    486,697    92,506   5,763    46,120    40,623   4,093 RI     45,089    10,413     212     6,081     4,120   1,064
IN    330,706    87,494   3,561    56,848    27,085   2,400 SC    347,187   110,491   4,481    53,479    52,531   6,070
IA    162,773    39,113   1,520    24,118    13,475   1,761 SD     57,044    17,377     739    12,655     3,983     522
KS    144,301    36,690   1,527    18,886    16,277   1,534 TN    384,070   116,682   3,045    59,584    54,053   3,555
KY    230,621    65,939   1,695    38,644    25,600   2,354 TX  1,401,784   489,066  12,709   234,204   242,153  18,818
LA    222,441    59,403   2,276    29,076    28,051   6,367 UT    113,816    31,353   1,724    16,298    13,331   2,288
ME     90,962    27,082   1,151    14,205    11,726   1,389 VT     26,617     4,017     133     2,593     1,291      70
MD    331,512    91,011   4,074    46,117    40,820   4,653 VA    638,216   203,786   8,543   105,592    89,651   6,679
MA    234,085    49,583   3,091    28,062    18,430   4,169 WA    489,053   138,396   5,613    76,049    56,734   8,268
MI    468,961   100,636   4,172    54,652    41,812   4,837 WV    106,586    32,019   1,105    16,203    14,711   1,728
MN    261,312    86,956   3,542    62,531    20,883   2,848 WI    308,164    75,032   3,318    45,715    25,999   2,969
MS    153,747    46,075   1,333    23,075    21,667   2,002 WY     41,386    13,397     242     8,331     4,824     838
Table 8.2 Civilian Veterans Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States, by Disability Status: 2021
State Total Disability No Disability   State Total Disability No Disability
Count % [1] Count % [2] Count % [1] Count % [2]
U.S. 8,325,505 1,631,206 19.6 6,694,299 80.4 MO   169,783    33,790 19.9   135,993 80.1
AL   166,528    36,814 22.1   129,714 77.9 MT    41,537     8,059 19.4    33,478 80.6
AK    34,364     7,211 21.0    27,153 79.0 NE    54,948     9,977 18.2    44,971 81.8
AZ   218,197    40,761 18.7   177,436 81.3 NV    97,353    21,478 22.1    75,875 77.9
AR    87,725    21,142 24.1    66,583 75.9 NH    45,656     6,012 13.2    39,644 86.8
CA   653,125   120,340 18.4   532,785 81.6 NJ   119,488    18,186 15.2   101,302 84.8
CO   193,415    32,863 17.0   160,552 83.0 NM    63,634    14,576 22.9    49,058 77.1
CT    59,003    10,146 17.2    48,857 82.8 NY   275,724    44,423 16.1   231,301 83.9
DE    23,204     5,039 21.7    18,165 78.3 NC   339,492    75,778 22.3   263,714 77.7
DC    11,328     2,617 23.1     8,711 76.9 ND    20,441     4,106 20.1    16,335 79.9
FL   638,736   136,705 21.4   502,031 78.6 OH   302,113    54,042 17.9   248,071 82.1
GA   344,476    75,191 21.8   269,285 78.2 OK   123,009    33,427 27.2    89,582 72.8
HI    43,755     8,426 19.3    35,329 80.7 OR   122,830    30,524 24.9    92,306 75.1
ID    66,538    13,439 20.2    53,099 79.8 PA   270,844    46,862 17.3   223,982 82.7
IL   230,740    38,856 16.8   191,884 83.2 RI    19,574     4,057 20.7    15,517 79.3
IN   168,074    37,807 22.5   130,267 77.5 SC   183,848    37,146 20.2   146,702 79.8
IA    77,938    13,877 17.8    64,061 82.2 SD    28,200     5,240 18.6    22,960 81.4
KS    72,852    16,010 22.0    56,842 78.0 TN   198,417    45,130 22.7   153,287 77.3
KY   118,466    31,245 26.4    87,221 73.6 TX   825,458   168,825 20.5   656,633 79.5
LA   117,209    25,413 21.7    91,796 78.3 UT    58,503    10,384 17.7    48,119 82.3
ME    42,694     8,220 19.3    34,474 80.7 VT    10,436     1,067 10.2     9,369 89.8
MD   189,121    26,937 14.2   162,184 85.8 VA   395,861    57,714 14.6   338,147 85.4
MA    97,049    17,877 18.4    79,172 81.6 WA   271,369    53,058 19.6   218,311 80.4
MI   214,529    41,907 19.5   172,622 80.5 WV    49,160    12,549 25.5    36,611 74.5
MN   116,544    19,754 16.9    96,790 83.1 WI   149,409    22,339 15.0   127,070 85.0
MS    84,182    19,698 23.4    64,484 76.6 WY    18,626     4,162 22.3    14,464 77.7
Table 8.3 Poverty — Civilian Veterans with Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2021
State Total Poverty   State Total Poverty
Count % [1] Count % [1]
U.S. 1,631,206 242,953 14.9 MO    33,790   5,994 17.7
AL    36,814   5,944 16.1 MT     8,059   1,767 21.9
AK     7,211     365  5.1 NE     9,977     933  9.4
AZ    40,761   6,733 16.5 NV    21,478   3,949 18.4
AR    21,142   3,297 15.6 NH     6,012   1,002 16.7
CA   120,340  20,297 16.9 NJ    18,186   1,642  9.0
CO    32,863   4,234 12.9 NM    14,576   2,051 14.1
CT    10,146   1,236 12.2 NY    44,423   8,076 18.2
DE     5,039     383  7.6 NC    75,778   9,743 12.9
DC     2,617   1,090 41.7 ND     4,106     258  6.3
FL   136,705  18,021 13.2 OH    54,042   8,536 15.8
GA    75,191   8,629 11.5 OK    33,427   5,265 15.8
HI     8,426   1,048 12.4 OR    30,524   7,933 26.0
ID    13,439     848  6.3 PA    46,862   6,398 13.7
IL    38,856   7,899 20.3 RI     4,057     306  7.5
IN    37,807   4,101 10.8 SC    37,146   6,673 18.0
IA    13,877   1,849 13.3 SD     5,240     473  9.0
KS    16,010   2,366 14.8 TN    45,130   7,668 17.0
KY    31,245   5,852 18.7 TX   168,825  20,678 12.2
LA    25,413   5,452 21.5 UT    10,384   1,704 16.4
ME     8,220   1,703 20.7 VT     1,067      80  7.5
MD    26,937   2,735 10.2 VA    57,714   5,634  9.8
MA    17,877   3,109 17.4 WA    53,058   8,530 16.1
MI    41,907   6,600 15.7 WV    12,549   2,680 21.4
MN    19,754   2,448 12.4 WI    22,339   5,110 22.9
MS    19,698   2,707 13.7 WY     4,162     924 22.2
Table 8.4 Poverty — Civilian Veterans without Disabilities Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2021
State Total Poverty   State Total Poverty
Count % [1] Count % [1]
U.S. 6,694,299 434,421  6.5 MO   135,993   7,884  5.8
AL   129,714   9,905  7.6 MT    33,478   2,614  7.8
AK    27,153   1,543  5.7 NE    44,971   2,521  5.6
AZ   177,436  13,534  7.6 NV    75,875   8,085 10.7
AR    66,583   5,896  8.9 NH    39,644     732  1.8
CA   532,785  37,751  7.1 NJ   101,302   5,019  5.0
CO   160,552  13,924  8.7 NM    49,058   4,203  8.6
CT    48,857   2,564  5.2 NY   231,301  16,757  7.2
DE    18,165   1,192  6.6 NC   263,714  19,355  7.3
DC     8,711   1,031 11.8 ND    16,335     869  5.3
FL   502,031  34,451  6.9 OH   248,071  16,172  6.5
GA   269,285  14,592  5.4 OK    89,582   5,532  6.2
HI    35,329   2,967  8.4 OR    92,306   7,409  8.0
ID    53,099   2,390  4.5 PA   223,982  12,566  5.6
IL   191,884  14,608  7.6 RI    15,517     920  5.9
IN   130,267   8,006  6.1 SC   146,702  13,299  9.1
IA    64,061   1,878  2.9 SD    22,960   1,304  5.7
KS    56,842   2,999  5.3 TN   153,287   8,470  5.5
KY    87,221   6,517  7.5 TX   656,633  41,448  6.3
LA    91,796  10,624 11.6 UT    48,119   2,638  5.5
ME    34,474   2,179  6.3 VT     9,369      93  1.0
MD   162,184   4,518  2.8 VA   338,147  13,791  4.1
MA    79,172   3,931  5.0 WA   218,311  12,015  5.5
MI   172,622  11,558  6.7 WV    36,611   4,526 12.4
MN    96,790   6,001  6.2 WI   127,070   5,089  4.0
MS    64,484   5,712  8.9 WY    14,464     839  5.8
Table 8.5 Poverty Gap — Civilian Veterans Ages 18-64 Years Living in the Community for the United States and States, by Disability Status: 2021
State Poverty Rate (%) Gap (% pts) [3]   State Poverty Rate (%) Gap (% pts) [3]
Disability [1] No Disability [2] Disability [1] No Disability [2]
U.S. 14.9  6.5  8.5 MO 17.7  5.8 12.2
AL 16.1  7.6  8.4 MT 21.9  7.8 14.2
AK  5.1  5.7 -0.7 NE  9.4  5.6  3.4
AZ 16.5  7.6  9.4 NV 18.4 10.7  7.3
AR 15.6  8.9  7.1 NH 16.7  1.8 15.2
CA 16.9  7.1  9.9 NJ  9.0  5.0  4.0
CO 12.9  8.7  4.3 NM 14.1  8.6  5.4
CT 12.2  5.2  6.8 NY 18.2  7.2 10.8
DE  7.6  6.6  1.4 NC 12.9  7.3  5.7
DC 41.7 11.8 30.2 ND  6.3  5.3  0.7
FL 13.2  6.9  6.1 OH 15.8  6.5  9.5
GA 11.5  5.4  5.6 OK 15.8  6.2  9.8
HI 12.4  8.4  3.6 OR 26.0  8.0 18.0
ID  6.3  4.5  1.5 PA 13.7  5.6  8.4
IL 20.3  7.6 12.4 RI  7.5  5.9  2.1
IN 10.8  6.1  4.9 SC 18.0  9.1  8.9
IA 13.3  2.9 10.1 SD  9.0  5.7  3.3
KS 14.8  5.3  9.7 TN 17.0  5.5 11.5
KY 18.7  7.5 11.5 TX 12.2  6.3  5.7
LA 21.5 11.6  9.4 UT 16.4  5.5 10.5
ME 20.7  6.3 14.7 VT  7.5  1.0  6.0
MD 10.2  2.8  7.2 VA  9.8  4.1  5.9
MA 17.4  5.0 12.0 WA 16.1  5.5 10.5
MI 15.7  6.7  9.3 WV 21.4 12.4  8.6
MN 12.4  6.2  5.8 WI 22.9  4.0 19.0
MS 13.7  8.9  5.1 WY 22.2  5.8 16.2
Table 8.6 Veterans Benefits Administration — Compensation and Pension Benefits Paid to Disabled Veterans and their Survivors: Federal Fiscal Year 2020
State Total ($) [1]   State Total ($) [1]
U.S. 104,566,124 MO   2,073,831
AL   2,606,521 MT     448,622
AK     362,754 NE     698,164
AZ   2,480,238 NV   1,326,694
AR   1,329,474 NH     417,784
CA   8,969,514 NJ   1,317,720
CO   2,065,141 NM     974,432
CT     555,102 NY   2,885,477
DE     307,640 NC   5,199,580
DC     117,273 ND     227,649
FL   8,317,991 OH   2,935,769
GA   4,723,083 OK   2,389,698
HI     569,852 OR   1,605,066
ID     642,079 PA   2,994,186
IL   2,306,071 RI     262,599
IN   1,598,855 SC   2,760,668
IA     766,007 SD     314,178
KS     850,897 TN   2,829,472
KY   1,481,247 TX  11,053,649
LA   1,585,975 UT     654,076
ME     646,480 VT     165,334
MD   1,861,035 VA   4,179,582
MA   1,361,395 WA   2,814,306
MI   2,502,220 WV     867,316
MN   1,396,630 WI   1,447,600
MS   1,108,023 WY     220,857