2023 Annual Disability Statistics Compendium


Section 11: Health

This section presents statistics on health in the United States, especially the health of people with disabilities. The data address the prevalence of disabilities, health behaviors such as smoking, obesity, and binge drinking by disability status. These statistics were generated by the authors using the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey. See the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Disability and Health Data System for additional information on the health of the population with disabilities. Statistics for people with disabilities (disability status) are based on having responded ‘yes’ to a series of questions within the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (see glossary for greater detail). The data for the state of Florida is not available for 2021. 


Table 11.1: In 2021, there were 228,626,415 individuals ages 18 and over living in the community, and 64,815,278 had a disability (28.3 percent). The state with the largest number of individuals with disabilities was California, with 7,623,839 individuals with disabilities, while the state with the smallest number was the District of Columbia, with 116,021 individuals with disabilities.

Table 11.2: In 2021, the percent of individuals ages 18 years and over adults with disabilities who smoke was 20.0 percent while for adults without disabilities it was 10.9 percent. Highest percentage of adults with disabilities who smoke was in Arkansas (29.8) percent and lowest percentage to smoke was in Utah (12.7) percent.

Table 11.3: In 2021, the percent of  individuals ages 18 years and over adults with disabilities who were obese was 41.5 percent while for adults without disabilities it was 29.7 percent. Highest percentage of adults with disabilities who were obese was in Kentucky (47.1) percent and lowest percentage to be obese was in Hawaii (29.8) percent.

Table 11.4: In 2021, the percentage of individuals ages 18 years and over adults with disabilities to binge drink was 12.9 percent while for adults without disabilities, it was 16.5 percent. Highest percentage of adults with disabilities to binge drink was in North Dakota (18.4) percent and lowest percentage to binge drink was in West Virginia (8.7) percent.

Table 11.1 Health — Persons Ages 18 and Over Living in the Community, by Disability Status: 2021
State Total Disability No Disability   State Total Disability No Disability
Count % [1] Count % [1] Count % [1] Count % [1]
U.S. 228,626,415 64,815,278 28.3 163,811,137 71.7 MO   4,662,065  1,469,208 31.5   3,192,857 68.5
AL   3,773,582  1,291,897 34.2   2,481,686 65.8 MT     842,889    250,549 29.7     592,340 70.3
AK     527,204    141,721 26.9     385,483 73.1 NE   1,436,819    364,800 25.4   1,072,019 74.6
AZ   5,308,768  1,538,650 29.0   3,770,118 71.0 NV   2,371,575    742,257 31.3   1,629,318 68.7
AR   2,188,168    791,309 36.2   1,396,859 63.8 NH   1,037,659    278,255 26.8     759,404 73.2
CA  29,065,025  7,623,839 26.2  21,441,187 73.8 NJ   6,673,433  1,633,748 24.5   5,039,685 75.5
CO   4,306,105  1,015,417 23.6   3,290,687 76.4 NM   1,583,130    513,695 32.4   1,069,435 67.6
CT   2,658,672    671,764 25.3   1,986,909 74.7 NY  14,633,414  3,895,999 26.6  10,737,415 73.4
DE     737,430    201,285 27.3     536,145 72.7 NC   8,105,337  2,460,352 30.4   5,644,985 69.6
DC     518,581    116,021 22.4     402,560 77.6 ND     577,311    153,922 26.7     423,389 73.3
FL  ‡    ‡   ‡   OH   8,686,354  2,610,885 30.1   6,075,469 69.9
GA   7,612,326  2,270,089 29.8   5,342,236 70.2 OK   2,841,222  1,006,722 35.4   1,834,500 64.6
HI   1,099,900    247,977 22.5     851,923 77.5 OR   3,276,299    973,274 29.7   2,303,025 70.3
ID   1,377,905    421,236 30.6     956,668 69.4 PA   9,846,946  2,750,663 27.9   7,096,283 72.1
IL   9,549,699  2,869,312 30.0   6,680,387 70.0 RI     835,988    222,454 26.6     613,534 73.4
IN   4,914,901  1,457,378 29.7   3,457,523 70.3 SC   3,764,208  1,160,293 30.8   2,603,915 69.2
IA   2,360,682    572,606 24.3   1,788,076 75.7 SD     653,189    167,318 25.6     485,870 74.4
KS   2,141,224    599,918 28.0   1,541,306 72.0 TN   5,124,974  1,747,053 34.1   3,377,921 65.9
KY   3,414,123  1,330,951 39.0   2,083,172 61.0 TX  20,731,666  5,813,254 28.0  14,918,411 72.0
LA   3,287,522  1,165,577 35.5   2,121,945 64.5 UT   2,280,076    573,350 25.1   1,706,726 74.9
ME   1,087,284    340,566 31.3     746,718 68.7 VT     496,821    126,258 25.4     370,563 74.6
MD   4,469,207  1,055,353 23.6   3,413,854 76.4 VA   6,357,237  1,614,174 25.4   4,743,064 74.6
MA   5,462,633  1,348,913 24.7   4,113,720 75.3 WA   5,799,289  1,483,269 25.6   4,316,020 74.4
MI   7,413,783  2,126,440 28.7   5,287,343 71.3 WV   1,396,639    549,141 39.3     847,498 60.7
MN   4,192,821  1,001,956 23.9   3,190,865 76.1 WI   4,445,363  1,055,434 23.7   3,389,929 76.3
MS   2,198,703    853,627 38.8   1,345,076 61.2 WY     426,595    122,037 28.6     304,558 71.4
Table 11.2 Health — Smoking among Persons Ages 18 and Over, by Disability Status: 2021
State Smoking (%) Gap (% pts) [1]   State Smoking (%) Gap (% pts) [1]
Disability No Disability Disability No Disability
U.S. 20.0 10.9  9.1 MO 24.1 14.1 10.0
AL 24.3 13.6 10.7 MT 21.7 11.3 10.4
AK 26.0 14.0 12.0 NE 20.3 11.0  9.3
AZ 17.3 11.3  6.0 NV 23.5 11.9 11.6
AR 29.8 16.2 13.6 NH 19.9  9.6 10.3
CA 13.6  7.1  6.5 NJ 15.5  9.1  6.4
CO 17.8 10.1  7.7 NM 17.0 11.6  5.4
CT 17.1  9.0  8.1 NY 17.4 10.1  7.3
DE 20.4 10.9  9.5 NC 18.4 12.6  5.8
DC 17.4  7.3 10.1 ND 23.0 12.1 10.9
FL OH 27.2 14.0 13.2
GA 22.7 11.8 10.9 OK 24.2 12.8 11.4
HI 14.7  8.8  5.9 OR 18.6  9.8  8.8
ID 19.7 10.6  9.1 PA 21.8 11.6 10.2
IL 17.6  9.6  8.0 RI 19.4  9.9  9.5
IN 26.2 13.6 12.6 SC 21.4 13.0  8.4
IA 21.0 12.5  8.5 SD 21.3 13.2  8.1
KS 23.3 12.5 10.8 TN 28.6 15.2 13.4
KY 26.1 15.5 10.6 TX 17.5 11.5  6.0
LA 26.0 16.0 10.0 UT 12.7  5.3  7.4
ME 24.2 11.7 12.5 VT 23.5 11.9 11.6
MD 15.3  8.5  6.8 VA 19.8  9.8 10.0
MA 18.8  8.0 10.8 WA 16.6  8.7  7.9
MI 25.5 13.4 12.1 WV 28.4 17.8 10.6
MN 19.9 11.4  8.5 WI 17.7 12.0  5.7
MS 27.7 14.4 13.3 WY 19.9 15.1  4.8
Table 11.3 Health — Obesity among Persons 18 and Over, by Disability Status: 2021
State Obesity (%) Gap (% pts) [1]   State Obesity (%) Gap (% pts) [1]
Disability No Disability Disability No Disability
U.S. 41.5 29.7 11.8 MO 44.1 33.8 10.3
AL 44.5 37.3  7.2 MT 41.2 27.8 13.4
AK 38.7 31.6  7.1 NE 45.4 32.6 12.8
AZ 39.0 28.8 10.2 NV 37.8 28.2  9.6
AR 44.0 35.9  8.1 NH 37.0 28.2  8.8
CA 37.5 24.2 13.3 NJ 36.3 25.7 10.6
CO 32.9 22.8 10.1 NM 39.5 32.4  7.1
CT 39.2 27.2 12.0 NY 38.3 25.9 12.4
DE 45.0 30.2 14.8 NC 45.1 32.0 13.1
DC 41.7 20.6 21.1 ND 42.8 32.0 10.8
FL OH 45.6 34.3 11.3
GA 40.5 31.4  9.1 OK 45.2 36.4  8.8
HI 29.8 23.7  6.1 OR 36.9 28.2  8.7
ID 38.8 28.2 10.6 PA 44.6 29.1 15.5
IL 45.2 29.7 15.5 RI 38.5 27.1 11.4
IN 43.9 33.3 10.6 SC 41.8 33.3  8.5
IA 45.5 33.6 11.9 SD 45.6 36.0  9.6
KS 43.0 33.2  9.8 TN 40.7 32.3  8.4
KY 47.1 35.9 11.2 TX 44.5 32.7 11.8
LA 43.8 36.1  7.7 UT 37.5 28.4  9.1
ME 39.6 28.5 11.1 VT 39.7 24.5 15.2
MD 40.7 32.7  8.0 VA 44.2 30.6 13.6
MA 36.4 24.0 12.4 WA 36.8 26.0 10.8
MI 42.4 31.1 11.3 WV 46.3 36.5  9.8
MN 41.2 29.8 11.4 WI 43.8 31.1 12.7
MS 42.0 37.3  4.7 WY 38.6 29.3  9.3
Table 11.4 Health — Binge Drinking among Persons Ages 18 and Over, by Disability Status: 2021
State Binge Drinking (%) Gap (% pts) [1]   State Binge Drinking (%) Gap (% pts) [1]
Disability No Disability Disability No Disability
U.S. 12.9 16.5 -3.7 MO 12.2 18.5 -6.4
AL  9.7 14.0 -4.3 MT 15.9 22.3 -6.5
AK 16.5 17.8 -1.3 NE 14.3 21.2 -6.9
AZ 13.0 17.0 -4.0 NV 10.5 13.7 -3.2
AR 10.0 14.2 -4.2 NH 12.6 15.3 -2.7
CA 14.2 15.3 -1.1 NJ 12.8 15.2 -2.4
CO 15.9 19.7 -3.8 NM 10.7 14.3 -3.6
CT 11.6 14.3 -2.7 NY 11.9 16.0 -4.0
DE 11.3 13.5 -2.3 NC 11.6 16.9 -5.4
DC 16.1 24.2 -8.1 ND 18.4 21.7 -3.4
FL OH 13.1 18.3 -5.2
GA 14.6 14.4  0.2 OK  9.4 13.1 -3.7
HI 15.5 16.9 -1.4 OR 15.7 15.9 -0.2
ID 13.5 14.4 -0.8 PA 13.2 16.2 -3.0
IL 11.7 16.4 -4.7 RI 14.1 18.6 -4.4
IN 12.3 16.8 -4.5 SC 11.3 16.6 -5.3
IA 16.2 21.4 -5.3 SD 14.4 21.3 -7.0
KS 13.5 19.4 -5.9 TN 11.0 15.9 -4.9
KY  9.7 14.6 -4.9 TX 14.3 17.4 -3.1
LA 15.4 18.1 -2.7 UT 12.1 11.5  0.6
ME 11.9 16.8 -4.8 VT 12.2 18.7 -6.5
MD 10.9 13.7 -2.8 VA 12.0 16.5 -4.5
MA 12.2 17.6 -5.4 WA 13.4 15.9 -2.5
MI 12.6 17.6 -5.0 WV  8.7 13.6 -4.9
MN 12.4 19.6 -7.2 WI 17.9 23.2 -5.3
MS 11.7 12.9 -1.2 WY 12.7 17.3 -4.6