2023 Annual Disability Statistics Compendium

Special Education

Section 13: Education

This section presents statistics on Special Education programs in the United States, specifically on children served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B. These data concern the number of children with disabilities served (by age and by type of disability) and mainstream education of children with disabilities. The principal source of these data is the Office of Special Education Programs’ Data Accountability Center, which produces the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 618 Data Tables. Categories of disability and program outcomes under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act can be found on the Center for Parent Information and Resources website.

This section also presents statistics on the educational attainment of people with and without disabilities in the United States. The source of these estimates is the American Community Survey. For these tables, statistics for people with disabilities (disability status) are based on having responded ‘yes’ to a series of questions within the American Community Survey. See the glossary for more details.


Table 13.1: In the fall of 2020, there were 66,562,299 people ages 6 to 21 years enrolled in school. Of these people ages 6 to 21, 6,609,828 or 9.9 percent received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B. Hawaii had the smallest percentage (7.1 percent), while Maine had the largest percentage (13.4 percent).

Table 13.2: Of the youth ages 3 to 21 who received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, in the fall of 2020, 494,888 were 3 to 5 years old; 3,205,989 were 6 to 11 years old; 3,068,148 were 12 to 17 years old; and 335,691 were 18 to 21 years old.

Tables 13.3a-13.3d: The 6,609,828 students ages 6 to 21 who received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, in the fall of 2020 were in the following diagnostic categories: 2,276,389 in specific learning disability, 1,165,937 in speech or language impairment, 403,396 in intellectual disabilities, 343,913 in emotional disturbance, 122,596 in multiple disabilities, 64,426 in hearing impairments, 30,151 in orthopedic impairments, 1,072,195 in other health impairments, 23,599 in visual impairments, 761,552 in autism, 1,588 in deaf-blindness, 24,157 in traumatic brain injury, and 254,919 in developmental delay.

Table 13.4: Of the 6,609,828 youth ages 6 to 21 who received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, in the fall of 2020, 5,455,055 (or 82.5 percent) spent 40 percent or more of their time in the regular classroom. New York had the smallest percentage (69.7 percent), while Wyoming had the largest percentage (92.8 percent).

Table 13.5: In 2021, individuals ages 25 and over with disabilities in California were most likely to have less than a high school education (23.1 percent), while individuals ages 25 and over with disabilities in Wyoming were least likely to have less than a high school education (9.1 percent).

Table 13.6: In 2021, individuals ages 25 and over with disabilities in West Virginia were most likely to have a high school education (47.0 percent), while individuals ages 25 and over with disabilities in California were least likely to have a high school education (24.9 percent).

Table 13.7: In 2021, individuals ages 25 and over with disabilities in Colorado were most likely to have a 4-year college degree (16.8 percent), while individuals ages 25 and over with disabilities in West Virginia were least likely to have a 4-year college degree (7.3 percent).

Table 13.8: In 2021, individuals ages 25 and over with disabilities in the District of Columbia were most likely to have more than a 4-year college degree (18.4 percent), while individuals ages 25 and over with disabilities in West Virginia were least likely to have more than a 4-year college degree (4.6 percent).

Table 13.1 Special Education — Students Ages 6 to 21 Served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, as a Percentage of the Population: Fall 2020
State Number % [1]   State Number % [1]
Population Students Population Students
U.S. 66,562,299 6,609,828  9.9 MO  1,247,719   115,909  9.3
AL    995,089    91,312  9.2 MT    207,267    18,286  8.8
AK    154,465    17,760 11.5 NE    424,722    47,861 11.3
AZ  1,489,863   136,277  9.1 NV    591,003    58,170  9.8
AR    634,279    66,544 10.5 NH    258,027    27,060 10.5
CA  8,119,496   711,071  8.8 NJ  1,766,265   223,903 12.7
CO  1,141,690    98,705  8.6 NM    445,171    50,311 11.3
CT    727,488    78,393 10.8 NY  3,733,808   492,106 13.2
DE    185,347    22,588 12.2 NC  2,103,089   183,570  8.7
DC    111,846    13,766 12.3 ND    157,184    14,768  9.4
FL  3,788,339   388,593 10.3 OH  2,378,372   251,970 10.6
GA  2,269,024   213,272  9.4 OK    850,353   110,423 13.0
HI    254,103    18,029  7.1 OR    791,107    79,782 10.1
ID    393,087    33,164  8.4 PA  2,488,973   308,760 12.4
IL  2,622,175   268,467 10.2 RI    209,484    21,865 10.4
IN  1,444,189   168,399 11.7 SC  1,005,334   101,365 10.1
IA    678,633    65,010  9.6 SD    189,183    19,879 10.5
KS    643,901    68,488 10.6 TN  1,350,394   116,789  8.6
KY    909,770    95,554 10.5 TX  6,470,646   575,438  8.9
LA    967,017    N/A    UT    809,920    78,739  9.7
ME    238,113    31,989 13.4 VT    122,395    13,793 11.3
MD  1,205,236   100,861  8.4 VA  1,697,015   163,459  9.6
MA  1,348,417   164,975 12.2 WA  1,445,824   137,052  9.5
MI  2,035,071   181,390  8.9 WV    339,893    42,753 12.6
MN  1,155,807   132,571 11.5 WI  1,192,793   112,196  9.4
MS    652,541    63,248  9.7 WY    121,372    13,195 10.9
Table 13.2 Special Education — Students Served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Age: Fall 2020
State Age   State Age
3 to 5 6 to 11 12 to 17 18 to 21 3 to 5 6 to 11 12 to 17 18 to 21
U.S. 494,888 3,205,989 3,068,148 335,691 MO  10,155    56,807    53,773   5,329
AL   3,877    46,258    40,912   4,142 MT     870     9,084     8,731     471
AK   1,181     9,567     7,296     897 NE   4,189    25,347    20,583   1,931
AZ   8,537    69,358    61,496   5,423 NV   3,830    30,023    25,951   2,196
AR   8,723    34,649    29,051   2,844 NH   2,139    13,215    12,807   1,038
CA  62,112   315,019   360,763  35,289 NJ  13,441   104,923   108,206  10,774
CO   8,182    50,310    43,479   4,916 NM   3,475    23,676    24,367   2,268
CT   5,762    35,449    38,462   4,482 NY  40,837   243,708   224,725  23,673
DE   2,084    10,863    10,454   1,271 NC  10,239    86,794    86,962   9,814
DC   1,211     7,021     5,868     877 ND   1,715     7,765     6,307     696
FL  20,664   188,499   176,974  23,120 OH  19,007   112,373   124,817  14,780
GA   9,348    98,053   103,689  11,530 OK   4,796    54,212    51,180   5,031
HI   1,988     8,582     8,622     825 OR   7,258    38,675    36,966   4,141
ID   2,372    16,962    14,873   1,329 PA  29,953   137,321   153,893  17,546
IL  22,904   129,128   124,043  15,296 RI   2,084    10,547     9,913   1,405
IN  12,390    81,011    77,873   9,515 SC   4,950    51,038    45,804   4,523
IA   4,285    33,353    29,062   2,595 SD   1,884    11,201     7,796     882
KS   7,795    37,029    28,662   2,797 TN   8,308    59,800    51,255   5,734
KY  10,225    54,701    36,992   3,861 TX  29,913   295,348   250,897  29,193
LA   8,382    N/A       N/A      N/A   UT   7,151    41,147    34,453   3,139
ME   2,493    15,846    15,144     999 VT   1,361     6,603     6,560     630
MD  10,083    49,342    46,435   5,084 VA  10,584    76,136    78,090   9,233
MA  10,573    76,200    79,880   8,895 WA  10,150    68,543    61,578   6,931
MI  12,202    88,732    82,333  10,325 WV   3,093    21,481    19,158   2,114
MN  11,921    66,478    58,459   7,634 WI   8,152    57,527    49,872   4,797
MS   3,914    32,885    27,329   3,034 WY   2,146     7,400     5,353     442
Table 13.3a Special Education — Students Ages 6 to 21 Served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Select Diagnostic Categories: Fall 2020
State All Disabilities SLD [1] S/LI [2] ID [3]   State All Disabilities SLD [1] S/LI [2] ID [3]
U.S. 6,609,828 2,276,389 1,165,937 403,396 MO   115,909    30,451    23,283   8,544
AL    91,312    36,527    16,502   6,889 MT    18,286     5,673     3,064     548
AK    17,760     6,736     2,791     583 NE    47,861    15,581     9,732   2,695
AZ   136,277    54,630    21,059   7,362 NV    58,170    26,446     8,170   2,135
AR    66,544    19,549    16,949   8,112 NH    27,060     8,948     3,051     814
CA   711,071   289,142   119,201  38,805 NJ   223,903    71,161    50,459   5,422
CO    98,705    41,677    13,747   2,384 NM    50,311    24,439     7,622   2,320
CT    78,393    28,839     9,175   2,708 NY   492,106   161,997   139,893  12,302
DE    22,588     9,914     2,133   1,458 NC   183,570    67,950    23,953  15,453
DC    13,766     4,514     1,463     727 ND    14,768     4,513     2,193     729
FL   388,593   155,463    85,444  24,343 OH   251,970    95,834    29,409  18,532
GA   213,272    77,701    26,060  16,123 OK   110,423    37,494    12,248   6,247
HI    18,029     7,620       698   1,295 OR    79,782    23,345    17,237   3,896
ID    33,164     7,175     6,976   2,172 PA   308,760   120,675    43,737  19,093
IL   268,467    97,003    38,926  13,980 RI    21,865     7,365     2,876     872
IN   168,399    52,920    32,782  12,408 SC   101,365    40,962    16,086   5,858
IA    65,010    N/A       N/A      N/A   SD    19,879     7,152     3,875   1,862
KS    68,488    25,415    10,180   3,200 TN   116,789    33,601    26,407   8,536
KY    95,554    17,954    22,610  13,526 TX   575,438   190,804   103,409  60,588
LA    N/A       N/A       N/A      N/A   UT    78,739    34,115    18,025   3,282
ME    31,989     9,186     5,324     929 VT    13,793     4,053     1,023     614
MD   100,861    29,361    13,080   6,058 VA   163,459    54,127    20,569   8,740
MA   164,975    41,332    22,103   7,224 WA   137,052    45,760    19,637   4,773
MI   181,390    54,739    44,522  15,201 WV    42,753    15,263     8,677   6,409
MN   132,571    35,342    20,060   7,006 WI   112,196    24,424    22,142   6,301
MS    63,248    17,358    13,701   3,856 WY    13,195     4,159     3,674     482
Table 13.3b Special Education — Students Ages 6 to 21 Served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Select Diagnostic Categories: Fall 2020
State All Disabilities ED [1] MD [2] HI [3]   State All Disabilities ED [1] MD [2] HI [3]
U.S. 6,609,828 343,913 122,596 64,426 MO   115,909   7,056   1,300  1,043
AL    91,312   1,303   1,269    867 MT    18,286     857   3,989     74
AK    17,760     725     625    151 NE    47,861   2,881     406    759
AZ   136,277   7,547   1,980  1,271 NV    58,170   2,077   1,187    504
AR    66,544   1,080   1,396    411 NH    27,060   1,937     375    172
CA   711,071  24,370   6,839 10,243 NJ   223,903   6,760  13,131  1,394
CO    98,705   5,390   4,518  1,194 NM    50,311   1,821     725    476
CT    78,393   5,636   2,720    459 NY   492,106  20,857  13,613  4,074
DE    22,588   1,164   N/A      239 NC   183,570   4,976   2,694  1,444
DC    13,766     728   1,551     29 ND    14,768   1,290   N/A      123
FL   388,593  12,875   N/A    3,949 OH   251,970  14,768  11,723  1,823
GA   213,272   9,731   N/A    1,679 OK   110,423   3,877   1,624  1,485
HI    18,029     907     626    216 OR    79,782   5,425   N/A      883
ID    33,164   1,404     720    300 PA   308,760  26,081   3,074  2,668
IL   268,467  17,797   2,727  2,770 RI    21,865   1,546     419    138
IN   168,399  12,236   1,842  2,294 SC   101,365   2,098   1,474    904
IA    65,010   N/A     N/A    N/A   SD    19,879   1,182     588    135
KS    68,488   2,377   3,588    491 TN   116,789   3,272   1,884  1,049
KY    95,554   4,489   1,806    643 TX   575,438  37,375   7,163  6,435
LA    N/A      N/A     N/A    N/A   UT    78,739   1,776   1,368    416
ME    31,989   2,444   2,724    125 VT    13,793   2,317     215     60
MD   100,861   5,615   7,113    744 VA   163,459   9,463   2,837  1,174
MA   164,975  17,230   2,068  1,061 WA   137,052   5,510   3,089  1,046
MI   181,390  10,702   2,314  2,117 WV    42,753     956   N/A      397
MN   132,571  16,848   1,551  2,187 WI   112,196  11,575   N/A    1,560
MS    63,248   3,005   1,354    632 WY    13,195     577     387    118
Table 13.3c Special Education — Students Ages 6 to 21 Served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Select Diagnostic Categories: Fall 2020
State All Disabilities OI [1] OHI [2] VI [3]   State All Disabilities OI [1] OHI [2] VI [3]
U.S. 6,609,828 30,151 1,072,195 23,599 MO   115,909    371    26,206    435
AL    91,312    487    13,620    497 MT    18,286     37     2,132     50
AK    17,760     53     2,676     43 NE    47,861    182     6,906    186
AZ   136,277    499    15,264    467 NV    58,170    285     6,421    114
AR    66,544    178    12,751    233 NH    27,060     42     5,135     90
CA   711,071  7,062   105,464  2,610 NJ   223,903    301    50,247    365
CO    98,705    312    12,885    269 NM    50,311    183     5,044    183
CT    78,393     34    16,260    120 NY   492,106  1,574    84,491  1,285
DE    22,588    163     3,194     64 NC   183,570    531    33,575    557
DC    13,766     22     2,336     23 ND    14,768     51     2,417     48
FL   388,593  2,097    49,056  1,281 OH   251,970  1,203    48,996    858
GA   213,272    686    35,354    718 OK   110,423    351    19,476    680
HI    18,029     49     3,092     47 OR    79,782    598    14,822    315
ID    33,164     86     7,807    101 PA   308,760    696    53,663  1,063
IL   268,467    766    38,873    921 RI    21,865     42     4,054     41
IN   168,399  1,295    27,383    911 SC   101,365    353    16,087    394
IA    65,010  N/A      N/A     N/A   SD    19,879     65     3,048     53
KS    68,488    179     7,923    178 TN   116,789    474    19,468    474
KY    95,554    344    15,907    513 TX   575,438  2,768    82,611  3,159
LA    N/A     N/A      N/A     N/A   UT    78,739    152     8,745    216
ME    31,989     51     7,365     47 VT    13,793     33     2,583     21
MD   100,861    113    18,828    259 VA   163,459    490    35,797    537
MA   164,975    757    24,831    571 WA   137,052    372    27,593    425
MI   181,390  1,129    27,094    672 WV    42,753     90     7,477    295
MN   132,571  1,509    19,920    445 WI   112,196    675    23,185    444
MS    63,248    300    12,057    276 WY    13,195     61     2,076     45
Table 13.3d Special Education — Students Ages 6 to 21 Served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Select Diagnostic Categories: Fall 2020
State All Disabilities A [1] DB [2] TBI [3] DD [4]   State All Disabilities A [1] DB [2] TBI [3] DD [4]
U.S. 6,609,828 761,552 1,588 24,157 254,919 MO   115,909  13,654    23    355   3,188
AL    91,312   8,651    12    247   4,441 MT    18,286   1,017     7     54     784
AK    17,760   1,606     7     27   1,737 NE    47,861   4,470    11    166   3,886
AZ   136,277  15,284   125    264  10,525 NV    58,170   8,472     9    187   2,163
AR    66,544   5,708     5    172   N/A   NH    27,060   2,965    13     90   3,428
CA   711,071 105,935    71  1,329   N/A   NJ   223,903  23,905    21    402     335
CO    98,705   8,848    31    428   7,022 NM    50,311   3,727     6    178   3,587
CT    78,393  10,428    10     81   1,923 NY   492,106  51,218    16    786   N/A  
DE    22,588   2,326    35     67   1,831 NC   183,570  21,423    33    843  10,138
DC    13,766   1,374     1     25     973 ND    14,768   1,504     5     49   1,846
FL   388,593  46,301    93    453   7,238 OH   251,970  27,042    72  1,431     279
GA   213,272  23,749    31    381  21,059 OK   110,423   7,706    24    238  18,973
HI    18,029   1,862     5     53   1,559 OR    79,782  10,570    25    298   2,368
ID    33,164   3,628    10    112   2,673 PA   308,760  37,179    57    604     170
IL   268,467  26,948    30    531  27,195 RI    21,865   2,453     5     50   2,004
IN   168,399  16,199    25    403   7,701 SC   101,365   9,859    24    184   7,082
IA    65,010   N/A    N/A   N/A     N/A   SD    19,879   1,557     4     47     311
KS    68,488   4,777    18    123  10,039 TN   116,789  12,495    16    287   8,826
KY    95,554   8,265     9    186   9,302 TX   575,438  79,806   267  1,053   N/A  
LA    N/A      N/A    N/A   N/A     N/A   UT    78,739   7,014    19    198   3,413
ME    31,989   3,578    17     43     156 VT    13,793   1,121     4     29   1,720
MD   100,861  12,849     8    207   6,626 VA   163,459  23,027    22    368   6,308
MA   164,975  22,412   164  9,426  15,796 WA   137,052  16,308    19    321  12,199
MI   181,390  19,967    30    388   2,515 WV    42,753   2,888    22     90     189
MN   132,571  20,397   115    415   6,776 WI   112,196  12,765     5    286   8,834
MS    63,248   5,354     7    141   5,207 WY    13,195     961     0     61     594
Table 13.4 Special Education — Educational Environment – Students Ages 6 to 21 Served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, that Spent 40 Percent or More Time Inside Regular Class: Fall 2020
State Number % [2]   State Number % [2]
All Environments Regular Class [1] All Environments Regular Class [1]
U.S. 6,609,828 5,455,055 82.5 MO   115,909    99,853 86.1
AL    91,312    82,269 90.1 MT    18,286    16,062 87.8
AK    17,760    15,472 87.1 NE    47,861    42,271 88.3
AZ   136,277   113,329 83.2 NV    58,170    48,879 84.0
AR    66,544    56,980 85.6 NH    27,060    23,916 88.4
CA   711,071   556,774 78.3 NJ   223,903   164,674 73.5
CO    98,705    91,103 92.3 NM    50,311    41,332 82.2
CT    78,393    66,465 84.8 NY   492,106   342,954 69.7
DE    22,588    18,034 79.8 NC   183,570   157,317 85.7
DC    13,766    10,320 75.0 ND    14,768    13,299 90.1
FL   388,593   322,120 82.9 OH   251,970   199,694 79.3
GA   213,272   172,406 80.8 OK   110,423   102,026 92.4
HI    18,029    14,891 82.6 OR    79,782    70,103 87.9
ID    33,164    29,464 88.8 PA   308,760   263,046 85.2
IL   268,467   212,211 79.0 RI    21,865    17,930 82.0
IN   168,399   145,018 86.1 SC   101,365    83,756 82.6
IA    65,010    58,849 90.5 SD    19,879    18,169 91.4
KS    68,488    61,591 89.9 TN   116,789   100,522 86.1
KY    95,554    85,125 89.1 TX   575,438   488,580 84.9
LA    N/A       N/A    N/A  UT    78,739    69,968 88.9
ME    31,989    27,262 85.2 VT    13,793    12,166 88.2
MD   100,861    80,898 80.2 VA   163,459   141,664 86.7
MA   164,975   130,454 79.1 WA   137,052   118,192 86.2
MI   181,390   150,777 83.1 WV    42,753    38,923 91.0
MN   132,571   111,392 84.0 WI   112,196   100,171 89.3
MS    63,248    54,145 85.6 WY    13,195    12,239 92.8
Table 13.5 Education — People Ages 25 and Over with Less Than a High School Education, by Disability Status: 2021
State Less than High School Education (%) Gap (% pts) [1]   State Less than High School Education (%) Gap (% pts) [1]
Disability No Disability Disability No Disability
U.S. 17.5  9.0  8.5 MO 16.1  6.3  9.8
AL 19.8  9.4 10.4 MT 10.1  4.3  5.8
AK 11.0  6.3  4.7 NE 12.7  6.9  5.8
AZ 15.7  9.9  5.8 NV 17.2 11.9  5.3
AR 17.9  9.4  8.5 NH 11.1  4.5  6.6
CA 23.1 14.1  9.0 NJ 17.3  7.6  9.7
CO 11.7  6.6  5.1 NM 19.5 10.4  9.1
CT 17.9  7.2 10.7 NY 21.3 10.0 11.3
DE 14.4  7.5  6.9 NC 17.8  8.5  9.3
DC 14.0  6.1  7.9 ND 11.8  4.6  7.2
FL 16.0  8.7  7.3 OH 15.4  6.4  9.0
GA 18.9  9.1  9.8 OK 15.8  9.3  6.5
HI 12.7  6.2  6.5 OR 12.3  7.2  5.1
ID 13.5  7.7  5.8 PA 15.1  6.4  8.7
IL 15.9  8.3  7.6 RI 20.2  8.9 11.3
IN 16.3  7.6  8.7 SC 18.3  8.4  9.9
IA 12.1  5.2  6.9 SD 12.9  5.0  7.9
KS 11.5  6.9  4.6 TN 19.2  7.8 11.4
KY 21.3  8.9 12.4 TX 20.6 13.3  7.3
LA 22.0 10.4 11.6 UT 11.1  6.1  5.0
ME 11.7  4.3  7.4 VT 13.1  3.8  9.3
MD 15.9  7.6  8.3 VA 16.7  7.0  9.7
MA 18.9  7.2 11.7 WA 12.3  6.6  5.7
MI 15.2  6.6  8.6 WV 19.8  8.3 11.5
MN 12.2  4.7  7.5 WI 11.5  5.4  6.1
MS 21.1 10.4 10.7 WY  9.1  5.5  3.6
Table 13.6 Education — People Ages 25 and Over with Only a High School Education, by Disability Status: 2021
State High School or General Equivalency Diploma (%) Gap (% pts) [1]   State High School or General Equivalency Diploma (%) Gap (% pts) [1]
Disability No Disability Disability No Disability
U.S. 33.2 24.6  8.6 MO 38.7 28.4 10.3
AL 36.4 29.8  6.6 MT 32.9 24.3  8.6
AK 29.8 27.0  2.8 NE 33.6 22.5 11.1
AZ 27.1 22.5  4.6 NV 30.5 26.6  3.9
AR 41.3 31.9  9.4 NH 35.5 24.7 10.8
CA 24.9 19.9  5.0 NJ 35.8 23.3 12.5
CO 27.2 18.6  8.6 NM 29.7 24.5  5.2
CT 34.2 23.8 10.4 NY 31.6 22.7  8.9
DE 34.0 27.0  7.0 NC 32.3 23.3  9.0
DC 26.7 11.9 14.8 ND 29.9 24.7  5.2
FL 32.1 26.5  5.6 OH 41.6 30.6 11.0
GA 32.4 25.4  7.0 OK 37.1 29.1  8.0
HI 32.0 24.6  7.4 OR 27.5 20.5  7.0
ID 31.9 24.2  7.7 PA 43.1 30.7 12.4
IL 34.1 23.2 10.9 RI 35.2 25.9  9.3
IN 40.8 30.9  9.9 SC 34.5 26.9  7.6
IA 39.8 28.3 11.5 SD 35.0 26.3  8.7
KS 35.8 23.6 12.2 TN 37.7 29.4  8.3
KY 38.4 30.7  7.7 TX 29.4 23.4  6.0
LA 35.5 31.7  3.8 UT 29.4 21.7  7.7
ME 39.7 27.2 12.5 VT 32.4 24.5  7.9
MD 31.9 22.6  9.3 VA 31.8 22.2  9.6
MA 30.7 20.9  9.8 WA 28.9 20.1  8.8
MI 36.2 26.7  9.5 WV 47.0 35.9 11.1
MN 32.4 21.0 11.4 WI 39.0 28.1 10.9
MS 33.5 28.3  5.2 WY 31.5 25.5  6.0
Table 13.7 Education — People Ages 25 and Over with a 4-year College Degree, by Disability Status: 2021
State College Diploma (%) Gap (% pts) [1]   State College Diploma (%) Gap (% pts) [1]
Disability No Disability Disability No Disability
U.S. 12.3 23.3 -11.0 MO 10.4 21.9 -11.5
AL  9.4 19.2  -9.8 MT 13.2 25.2 -12.0
AK 13.9 22.3  -8.4 NE 11.6 24.5 -12.9
AZ 12.8 21.4  -8.6 NV 12.6 19.1  -6.5
AR  9.5 17.7  -8.2 NH 15.9 26.9 -11.0
CA 13.8 23.7  -9.9 NJ 14.8 27.7 -12.9
CO 16.8 29.7 -12.9 NM 10.4 17.6  -7.2
CT 14.2 25.0 -10.8 NY 12.9 24.0 -11.1
DE 13.0 21.6  -8.6 NC 11.9 24.1 -12.2
DC 14.4 27.6 -13.2 ND 11.1 24.7 -13.6
FL 13.8 22.2  -8.4 OH  9.8 21.1 -11.3
GA 12.1 23.0 -10.9 OK 10.8 21.4 -10.6
HI 15.4 24.1  -8.7 OR 13.9 24.5 -10.6
ID 13.5 22.1  -8.6 PA 10.9 23.0 -12.1
IL 12.4 24.1 -11.7 RI 11.5 22.9 -11.4
IN  9.0 20.9 -11.9 SC 11.1 21.5 -10.4
IA 11.1 22.6 -11.5 SD 12.9 22.6  -9.7
KS 12.8 25.1 -12.3 TN 10.0 21.7 -11.7
KY  8.4 18.8 -10.4 TX 12.5 23.2 -10.7
LA 10.1 18.9  -8.8 UT 14.9 25.4 -10.5
ME 12.1 25.2 -13.1 VT 15.5 26.8 -11.3
MD 14.4 23.9  -9.5 VA 14.0 25.5 -11.5
MA 15.0 27.3 -12.3 WA 14.6 26.0 -11.4
MI 10.2 21.3 -11.1 WV  7.3 16.0  -8.7
MN 14.5 27.6 -13.1 WI 12.4 23.6 -11.2
MS 10.9 17.2  -6.3 WY 10.4 20.4 -10.0
Table 13.8 Education — People Ages 25 and Over with More Than a 4-year College Degree, by Disability Status: 2021
State Greater than College Education (%) Gap (% pts) [1]   State Greater than College Education (%) Gap (% pts) [1]
Disability No Disability Disability No Disability
U.S.  7.8 15.1  -7.3 MO  5.9 14.0  -8.1
AL  6.1 12.1  -6.0 MT  9.8 13.5  -3.7
AK  6.6 13.1  -6.5 NE  7.3 13.6  -6.3
AZ  8.5 13.6  -5.1 NV  7.1 10.4  -3.3
AR  4.7 10.9  -6.2 NH  9.4 16.4  -7.0
CA  8.3 15.2  -6.9 NJ  9.1 19.2 -10.1
CO 11.7 17.9  -6.2 NM  9.0 15.8  -6.8
CT 10.0 20.5 -10.5 NY 10.0 19.4  -9.4
DE  8.8 16.3  -7.5 NC  7.0 14.8  -7.8
DC 18.4 41.2 -22.8 ND  6.9 10.1  -3.2
FL  8.8 13.6  -4.8 OH  5.4 13.3  -7.9
GA  8.1 15.1  -7.0 OK  5.6 11.1  -5.5
HI 10.6 13.9  -3.3 OR  8.7 15.5  -6.8
ID  6.2 11.8  -5.6 PA  7.1 15.5  -8.4
IL  7.9 16.6  -8.7 RI  8.5 17.1  -8.6
IN  6.1 11.7  -5.6 SC  6.6 13.3  -6.7
IA  5.7 10.4  -4.7 SD  6.6 11.3  -4.7
KS  7.6 14.7  -7.1 TN  6.2 12.8  -6.6
KY  5.2 13.1  -7.9 TX  7.1 13.0  -5.9
LA  6.1 10.8  -4.7 UT  8.5 13.1  -4.6
ME  8.8 14.7  -5.9 VT 11.2 20.4  -9.2
MD 11.6 21.7 -10.1 VA  9.9 20.1 -10.2
MA 10.2 23.3 -13.1 WA  8.6 16.6  -8.0
MI  6.9 13.6  -6.7 WV  4.6 12.0  -7.4
MN  8.6 14.3  -5.7 WI  7.0 11.4  -4.4
MS  5.1 10.8  -5.7 WY  7.9 11.6  -3.7