2023 Annual Disability Statistics Compendium

Section 14: Vocational Rehabilitation
This section presents statistics on Vocational Rehabilitation programs administered by the Rehabilitation Services Administration in the United States. These data concern the number of individuals with disabilities who apply for services, receive services, and find employment (are successfully rehabilitated). Presented here categorically, vocational rehabilitation agencies often provide services through both state and private rehabilitation agencies (combined), broad state-based services for people (general), and specialized services to people with visual impairments (blind). The data address expenditures associated with vocational rehabilitation and whether vocational rehabilitation agencies are on order of selection. The principal source of this data is the Rehabilitation Services Administration’s Management Information System. For several years 2015 data were the most recent due to changes in the reporting and data collection of state vocational rehabilitation agencies. In 2021, data from 2016 became available. Please note: The statistics presented in this section may vary from those provided by state agencies due to varying methods and analytic procedures.
Table 14.1: In the Federal Fiscal Year 2016 state vocational rehabilitation agencies served 328,181 participants. 186,570 cases were closed with employment and 141,620 cases were closed without employment.
Table 14.2: In the Federal Fiscal Year 2016, state vocational rehabilitation agencies agencies served 313,844 participants with significant disability and 175,542 were employed.
Table 14.3: In the Federal Fiscal Year 2016, 56.8% of all participants were employed at closure. For participants with significant disabilities, the percentage employed at closure was similar, at 55.9%.
Table 14.4: In the Federal Fiscal Year 2016, the number of participants whose primary financial support was their own at application was 51,370 participants. At closure, the number was 150,645 participants.
Table 14.5: In Federal Fiscal Year 2016, twenty-nine agencies were on Order of Selection. Over the period from 2012 to 2016, fifteen states have never had any agency on Order of Selection while twelve states have always had all their agencies on Order of Selection.
Table 14.6: In the Federal Fiscal Year 2016, the average hourly wage of employed participants was $14.55.