2023 Annual Disability Statistics Compendium

Employment Policy

Section 15: Employment Policy

This section presents statistics relevant to disability employment policy research in the United States. Specifically, the data address state minimum wage rates, Social Security disability allowance rates, Supplemental Security Income supplementary payments, and earned income tax credit rates.

The data for state minimum wage rates are accurate as of July 2020, and were gathered from the Department of Labor. The Federal minimum wage is presented as default if a state does not have a minimum wage or if the rate is below the Federal level. 

The data for Social Security disability allowance rates and Supplemental Security Income supplementary payments are from the Social Security Administration. More information about allowance rates and supplementary payments can be found in the State Assistance Programs for SSI Recipients report released in January 2011 through the Social Security Administration.

The data for earned income tax credit rates were found through the Internal Revenue Service. The earned income tax credit rates are the percent of the federal earned income tax credit amount that that can be claimed on state tax returns.


Table 15.1: In 2022, the states with the highest and lowest Social Security disability allowance rates were Alaska and Oklahoma, with allowance rates of 57.7 and 32.5 percent.

Table 15.2: In 2022, the states with the highest and lowest earned income tax credits were Maryland and Montana, with credits of 50 and 3 percent.

Table 15.3: In 2011, the most recent data available, the states with the highest and lowest Supplemental Security Income Supplementary Payments were Indiana and Utah, with payments of $827.06 and $3.13 respectively.

Table 15.4: In 2022, the highest minimum wage rate was in the District of Columbia with a rate of $16.1 per hour. Twenty-two states have no minimum wage or one that is lower than the Federal Minimum of $7.25 per hour.

Table 15.1 Employment Policy — Social Security Disability Insurance Allowance Rate for People Living in the United States, by State: 2022
State SSDI Allowance Rate (%)   State SSDI Allowance Rate (%)
U.S.  -   MO 41.3
AL 35.3 MT 43.9
AK 57.7 NE 46.6
AZ 35.7 NV 40.3
AR 38.7 NH 52.2
CA   36 NJ 41.8
CO 39.2 NM 34.8
CT 45.7 NY 38.7
DE 38.1 NC 37.3
DC 33.8 ND   52
FL 41.6 OH 38.8
GA   39 OK 32.5
HI 36.6 OR 41.6
ID 44.7 PA 38.1
IL 41.1 RI 47.4
IN   35 SC 42.5
IA 46.1 SD   42
KS 47.6 TN 39.9
KY 34.6 TX   34
LA 36.5 UT 48.8
ME 38.4 VT 51.1
MD 46.8 VA 44.4
MA 42.1 WA 42.4
MI 38.6 WV 34.7
MN 41.6 WI 45.9
MS 33.8 WY 43.9
Table 15.2 Employment Policy — State Earned Income Tax Credits for People Living in the United States: 2022
State Earned Income Tax Credit Rates (%)   State Earned Income Tax Credit Rates (%)
U.S.   -   MO   -  
AL   -   MT     3
AK   -   NE    10
AZ   -   NV   -  
AR   -   NH   -  
CA    45 NJ    39
CO    10 NM    10
CT    23 NY    30
DE    20 NC   -  
DC    40 ND   -  
FL   -   OH    30
GA   -   OK     5
HI    20 OR     9
ID   -   PA   -  
IL    18 RI    15
IN     9 SC 41.67
IA    15 SD   -  
KS    17 TN   -  
KY   -   TX   -  
LA   3.5 UT   -  
ME     5 VT    36
MD    50 VA    20
MA    30 WA   -  
MI     6 WV   -  
MN    45 WI    34
MS   -   WY   -  
Table 15.3 Employment Policy — Monthly Supplemental Security Income Supplementary Payments for People Living in the United States, by State: 2011
State SSI Supplementary Payments ($) Living Arrangement by State   State SSI Supplementary Payments ($) Living Arrangement by State
U.S.   -    Not applicable MO    156 Licensed residential care facility - level 1
AL     60 Receiving independent home care in private home or personal care home, level of independence A MT     94 Assisted living facility
AK    362 Living independently NE      5 Living independently
AZ   -    No Program NV  109.3 Living independently - blind
AR   -    No Program NH     27 Living independently or in the household of another
CA    171 Living idependently with cooking facilities - aged and disabled NJ  31.25 Living alone or with others
CO     25 Living independently or in the household of another NM    100 Licensed adult residential care home
CT    168 Independent community living NY     87 Living alone
DE    140 Certified adult residential care facility NC    554 Adult care home - basic (aged, blind, and disabled)
DC    485 Adult foster care home (50 beds or less) ND   -    No Program
FL   78.4 Adult family care home OH    506 Adult family or foster home
GA     20 Medicaid facility OK     42 Living independently
HI  651.9 Foster care home OR   -    No Program
ID     53 Living independently or in the household of another PA   22.1 Living alone
IL   -    No data available RI  39.92 Living alone
IN 827.06 Licensed residential facility SC    483 Licensed community residential care facility
IA     22 Living independently - blind SD     15 Living independently
KS     32 Medicaid facility TN   -    No Program
KY    520 Personal care facility TX     60 Medicaid facility
LA      8 Medicaid facility UT   3.13 Living in the household of another
ME     10 Living alone or with others VT  52.04 Living independently
MD     66 Care home - minimal supervision VA    686 Assisted living facility - planning district 8
MA 114.39 Living indpendently - disabled WA     46 Living independently
MI     14 Living independently WV   -    No Program
MN     81 Living independently WI  83.78 Living independently
MS   -    No Program WY     25 Living independently
Table 15.4 Employment Policy — Minimum Wage Rates for People Living in the United States, by State: 2022
State Minimum Wage Rate ($)   State Minimum Wage Rate ($)
U.S.  7.25 MO 11.15
AL  7.25 MT   9.2
AK 10.34 NE     9
AZ  12.8 NV  10.5
AR    11 NH  7.25
CA    14 NJ    13
CO 12.56 NM  11.5
CT    14 NY  13.2
DE  10.5 NC  7.25
DC  16.1 ND  7.25
FL    10 OH   9.3
GA  7.25 OK  7.25
HI    12 OR  13.5
ID  7.25 PA  7.25
IL    12 RI 12.25
IN  7.25 SC  7.25
IA  7.25 SD  9.95
KS  7.25 TN  7.25
KY  7.25 TX  7.25
LA  7.25 UT  7.25
ME 12.75 VT 12.55
MD  12.5 VA    11
MA 14.25 WA 14.49
MI  9.87 WV  8.75
MN 10.33 WI  7.25
MS  7.25 WY  7.25