2023 Annual Disability Statistics Compendium

Population and Prevalence

Section 1: Population and Prevalence

This section presents statistics on the United States resident population, projected population, and people with disabilities. The prevalence statistics describe disability frequency by disability type. The principal source of these data is the U.S. Census Bureau, specifically the American Community Survey. For these tables, statistics for people with disabilities (disability status or disability type) are based on having responded ‘yes’ to a series of questions within the American Community Survey (see the glossary for more details).


Table 1.1: In 2021, the resident population in the United States was estimated to be 331,893,745 individuals, up from 329,504,815 individuals in 2020. The state with the largest population in 2021 was California, with 39,237,836 individuals. The state with the smallest population in 2021 was Wyoming, with 578,803 individuals.

Table 1.2: The projected 2030 resident population in the United States is 363,584,435 individuals, up from 349,439,199 individuals in 2025 and 335,804,546 individuals in 2020. The state with the largest projected population in 2030 is California, with  46,444,861 individuals. The geography with the smallest projected population in 2030 is the District of Columbia, with 433,414 individuals.

Table 1.3: Based on data from the American Community Survey, in 2021 there were 326,942,778 individuals living in the community, 42,601,999 of whom were individuals with disabilities—13.0 percent. The state with the largest number of individuals with disabilities was California, with 4,342,499 individuals, while the state with the smallest number of individuals with disabilities was Wyoming, with 77,135 individuals.

Table 1.4: In 2021, there were 42,601,999 individuals living in the community with disabilities, 11,632,358 of whom were individuals with a hearing disability—27.3 percent. For this disability type, Wyoming had the highest percentage, 37.4 percent, while the District of Columbia had the lowest percentage, 17.9 percent.

Table 1.5: In 2021, there were 42,601,999 individuals living in the community with disabilities, 8,086,147 of whom were individuals with a vision disability—19.0 percent. For this disability type, Mississippi had the highest percentage, 24.1 percent, while Maine had the lowest percentage, 13.2 percent.

Table 1.6: In 2021, there were 42,601,999 individuals living in the community with disabilities, 16,599,667 of whom were individuals with a cognitive disability—39.0 percent. For this disability type, Utah had the highest percentage, 45.1 percent, while North Dakota had the lowest percentage, 32.4 percent.

Table 1.7: In 2021, there were 42,601,999 individuals living in the community with disabilities, 20,448,062 of whom were individuals with an ambulatory disability—48.0 percent. For this disability type, Alabama had the highest percentage, 53.8 percent, while Utah had the lowest percentage, 37.7 percent.

Table 1.8: In 2021, there were 42,601,999 individuals living in the community with disabilities, 7,834,854 of whom were individuals with a self-care disability—18.4 percent. For this disability type, California had the highest percentage, 22.4 percent, while North Dakota had the lowest percentage, 12.3 percent.

Table 1.9: In 2021, there were 42,601,999 individuals living in the community with disabilities, 15,145,689 of whom were individuals with an independent living disability—35.6 percent. For this disability type, New York had the highest percentage, 41.3 percent, while North Dakota had the lowest percentage, 24.1 percent.

Table 1.1 Resident Population — States: 2018 to 2021
Geography 2018 2019 2020 2021   Geography 2018 2019 2020 2021
U.S. 327,167,439 328,239,523 329,504,815 331,893,745 MO   6,126,452   6,137,428   6,160,572   6,168,187
AL   4,887,871   4,903,185   4,922,663   5,039,877 MT   1,062,305   1,068,778   1,070,633   1,104,271
AK     737,438     731,545     725,368     732,673 NE   1,929,268   1,934,408   1,910,229   1,963,692
AZ   7,171,646   7,278,717   7,439,168   7,276,316 NV   3,034,392   3,080,156   3,159,862   3,143,991
AR   3,013,825   3,017,804   3,020,858   3,025,891 NH   1,356,410   1,359,711   1,369,826   1,388,992
CA  39,557,045  39,512,223  39,273,649  39,237,836 NJ   8,908,520   8,882,190   8,866,369   9,267,130
CO   5,695,564   5,758,736   5,801,720   5,812,069 NM   2,095,428   2,096,829   2,103,947   2,115,877
CT   3,572,665   3,565,287   3,561,894   3,605,597 NY  19,542,209  19,453,561  19,342,277  19,835,913
DE     967,171     973,764     986,302   1,003,384 NC  10,383,620  10,488,084  10,634,814  10,551,162
DC     702,455     705,749     708,536     670,050 ND     760,077     762,062     762,179     774,948
FL  21,299,325  21,477,737  21,777,656  21,781,128 OH  11,689,442  11,689,100  11,696,589  11,780,017
GA  10,519,475  10,617,423  10,735,354  10,799,566 OK   3,943,079   3,956,971   4,004,290   3,986,639
HI   1,420,491   1,415,872   1,408,226   1,441,553 OR   4,190,713   4,217,737   4,235,391   4,246,155
ID   1,754,208   1,787,065   1,845,631   1,900,923 PA  12,807,060  12,801,989  12,808,018  12,964,056
IL  12,741,080  12,671,821  12,559,183  12,671,469 RI   1,057,315   1,059,361   1,064,254   1,095,610
IN   6,691,878   6,732,219   6,755,447   6,805,985 SC   5,084,127   5,148,714   5,215,144   5,190,705
IA   3,156,145   3,155,070   3,167,157   3,193,079 SD     882,235     884,659     904,399     895,376
KS   2,911,510   2,913,314   2,917,100   2,934,582 TN   6,770,010   6,829,174   6,909,363   6,975,218
KY   4,468,402   4,467,673   4,477,027   4,509,394 TX  28,701,845  28,995,881  29,354,409  29,527,941
LA   4,659,978   4,648,794   4,636,548   4,624,047 UT   3,161,105   3,205,958   3,264,928   3,337,975
ME   1,338,404   1,344,212   1,333,280   1,372,247 VT     626,299     623,989     624,318     645,570
MD   6,042,718   6,045,680   6,039,168   6,165,129 VA   8,517,685   8,535,519   8,565,201   8,642,274
MA   6,902,197   6,892,503   6,893,349   6,984,723 WA   7,535,591   7,614,893   7,697,393   7,738,692
MI   9,995,915   9,986,857  10,005,488  10,050,811 WV   1,805,832   1,792,147   1,790,562   1,782,959
MN   5,611,179   5,639,632   5,637,415   5,707,390 WI   5,813,568   5,822,434   5,838,186   5,895,908
MS   2,986,530   2,976,149   2,949,108   2,949,965 WY     577,737     578,759     574,367     578,803
Table 1.2 State Resident Population — Projections: 2015 to 2030
State 2015 2020 2025 2030   State 2015 2020 2025 2030
U.S. 322,365,787 335,804,546 349,439,199 363,584,435 MO   6,069,556   6,199,882   6,315,366   6,430,173
AL   4,663,111   4,728,915   4,800,092   4,874,243 MT     999,489   1,022,735   1,037,387   1,044,898
AK     732,544     774,421     820,881     867,674 NE   1,788,508   1,802,678   1,812,787   1,820,247
AZ   7,495,238   8,456,448   9,531,537  10,712,397 NV   3,058,190   3,452,283   3,863,298   4,282,102
AR   2,968,913   3,060,219   3,151,005   3,240,208 NH   1,456,679   1,524,751   1,586,348   1,646,471
CA  40,123,232  42,206,743  44,305,177  46,444,861 NJ   9,255,769   9,461,635   9,636,644   9,802,440
CO   5,049,493   5,278,867   5,522,803   5,792,357 NM   2,041,539   2,084,341   2,106,584   2,099,708
CT   3,635,414   3,675,650   3,691,016   3,688,630 NY  19,546,699  19,576,920  19,540,179  19,477,429
DE     927,400     963,209     990,694   1,012,658 NC  10,010,770  10,709,289  11,449,153  12,227,739
DC     506,323     480,540     455,108     433,414 ND     635,133     630,112     620,777     606,566
FL  21,204,132  23,406,525  25,912,458  28,685,769 OH  11,635,446  11,644,058  11,605,738  11,550,528
GA  10,230,578  10,843,753  11,438,622  12,017,838 OK   3,661,694   3,735,690   3,820,994   3,913,251
HI   1,385,952   1,412,373   1,438,720   1,466,046 OR   4,012,924   4,260,393   4,536,418   4,833,918
ID   1,630,045   1,741,333   1,852,627   1,969,624 PA  12,710,938  12,787,354  12,801,945  12,768,184
IL  13,097,218  13,236,720  13,340,507  13,432,892 RI   1,139,543   1,154,230   1,157,855   1,152,941
IN   6,517,631   6,627,008   6,721,322   6,810,108 SC   4,642,137   4,822,577   4,989,550   5,148,569
IA   3,026,380   3,020,496   2,993,222   2,955,172 SD     796,954     801,939     801,845     800,462
KS   2,852,690   2,890,566   2,919,002   2,940,084 TN   6,502,017   6,780,670   7,073,125   7,380,634
KY   4,351,188   4,424,431   4,489,662   4,554,998 TX  26,585,801  28,634,896  30,865,134  33,317,744
LA   4,673,721   4,719,160   4,762,398   4,802,633 UT   2,783,040   2,990,094   3,225,680   3,485,367
ME   1,388,878   1,408,665   1,414,402   1,411,097 VT     673,169     690,686     703,288     711,867
MD   6,208,392   6,497,626   6,762,732   7,022,251 VA   8,466,864   8,917,395   9,364,304   9,825,019
MA   6,758,580   6,855,546   6,938,636   7,012,009 WA   6,950,610   7,432,136   7,996,400   8,624,801
MI  10,599,122  10,695,993  10,713,730  10,694,172 WV   1,822,758   1,801,112   1,766,435   1,719,959
MN   5,668,211   5,900,769   6,108,787   6,306,130 WI   5,882,760   6,004,954   6,088,374   6,150,764
MS   3,014,409   3,044,812   3,069,420   3,092,410 WY     528,005     530,948     529,031     522,979
Table 1.3 Civilians Living in the Community for the United States and States, by Disability Status: 2021
State Total Disability [1] No Disability   State Total Disability [1] No Disability
Count % Count % Count % Count %
U.S. 326,942,778 42,601,999 13.0 284,340,779 87.0 MO   6,062,846    883,553 14.6   5,179,293 85.4
AL   4,956,828    805,849 16.3   4,150,979 83.7 MT   1,087,247    158,746 14.6     928,501 85.4
AK     703,612     99,194 14.1     604,418 85.9 NE   1,935,685    249,584 12.9   1,686,101 87.1
AZ   7,175,530    970,430 13.5   6,205,100 86.5 NV   3,104,854    402,166 13.0   2,702,688 87.0
AR   2,975,548    517,723 17.4   2,457,825 82.6 NH   1,373,423    166,037 12.1   1,207,386 87.9
CA  38,725,651  4,342,499 11.2  34,383,152 88.8 NJ   9,163,354    962,714 10.5   8,200,640 89.5
CO   5,715,351    643,030 11.3   5,072,321 88.7 NM   2,077,492    336,557 16.2   1,740,935 83.8
CT   3,558,663    427,144 12.0   3,131,519 88.0 NY  19,599,249  2,359,842 12.0  17,239,407 88.0
DE     987,806    129,543 13.1     858,263 86.9 NC  10,346,220  1,413,633 13.7   8,932,587 86.3
DC     659,722     77,882 11.8     581,840 88.2 ND     754,481     92,470 12.3     662,011 87.7
FL  21,466,906  2,911,135 13.6  18,555,771 86.4 OH  11,613,352  1,659,146 14.3   9,954,206 85.7
GA  10,602,297  1,373,134 13.0   9,229,163 87.0 OK   3,903,265    675,799 17.3   3,227,466 82.7
HI   1,382,959    168,163 12.2   1,214,796 87.8 OR   4,206,193    637,679 15.2   3,568,514 84.8
ID   1,879,742    263,115 14.0   1,616,627 86.0 PA  12,767,247  1,764,274 13.8  11,002,973 86.2
IL  12,496,616  1,491,750 11.9  11,004,866 88.1 RI   1,080,868    150,612 13.9     930,256 86.1
IN   6,708,961    919,332 13.7   5,789,629 86.3 SC   5,107,451    730,813 14.3   4,376,638 85.7
IA   3,149,081    397,179 12.6   2,751,902 87.4 SD     877,125    111,536 12.7     765,589 87.3
KS   2,880,194    386,050 13.4   2,494,144 86.6 TN   6,874,621  1,030,224 15.0   5,844,397 85.0
KY   4,428,085    783,699 17.7   3,644,386 82.3 TX  29,072,523  3,518,171 12.1  25,554,352 87.9
LA   4,518,879    724,218 16.0   3,794,661 84.0 UT   3,309,480    345,490 10.4   2,963,990 89.6
ME   1,358,182    210,432 15.5   1,147,750 84.5 VT     638,559     85,969 13.5     552,590 86.5
MD   6,060,990    687,347 11.3   5,373,643 88.7 VA   8,415,775  1,040,435 12.4   7,375,340 87.6
MA   6,915,688    808,474 11.7   6,107,214 88.3 WA   7,620,111    996,933 13.1   6,623,178 86.9
MI   9,951,051  1,394,304 14.0   8,556,747 86.0 WV   1,755,575    328,527 18.7   1,427,048 81.3
MN   5,652,521    679,462 12.0   4,973,059 88.0 WI   5,829,031    690,024 11.8   5,139,007 88.2
MS   2,885,638    522,842 18.1   2,362,796 81.9 WY     570,250     77,135 13.5     493,115 86.5
Table 1.4 Civilians Living in the Community for the United States and States — Hearing Disability: 2021
State Total Disability Hearing [1]   State Total Disability Hearing [1]
Count % Total % Disability Count % Total % Disability
U.S. 326,942,778 42,601,999 11,632,358 3.6 27.3 MO   6,062,846    883,553    246,560 4.1 27.9
AL   4,956,828    805,849    207,189 4.2 25.7 MT   1,087,247    158,746     56,619 5.2 35.7
AK     703,612     99,194     33,375 4.7 33.6 NE   1,935,685    249,584     76,336 3.9 30.6
AZ   7,175,530    970,430    298,498 4.2 30.8 NV   3,104,854    402,166    116,057 3.7 28.9
AR   2,975,548    517,723    142,320 4.8 27.5 NH   1,373,423    166,037     50,257 3.7 30.3
CA  38,725,651  4,342,499  1,140,178 2.9 26.3 NJ   9,163,354    962,714    238,066 2.6 24.7
CO   5,715,351    643,030    213,309 3.7 33.2 NM   2,077,492    336,557    104,951 5.1 31.2
CT   3,558,663    427,144    112,461 3.2 26.3 NY  19,599,249  2,359,842    552,138 2.8 23.4
DE     987,806    129,543     37,741 3.8 29.1 NC  10,346,220  1,413,633    388,826 3.8 27.5
DC     659,722     77,882     13,979 2.1 17.9 ND     754,481     92,470     32,689 4.3 35.4
FL  21,466,906  2,911,135    810,461 3.8 27.8 OH  11,613,352  1,659,146    439,895 3.8 26.5
GA  10,602,297  1,373,134    346,313 3.3 25.2 OK   3,903,265    675,799    202,444 5.2 30.0
HI   1,382,959    168,163     50,879 3.7 30.3 OR   4,206,193    637,679    186,034 4.4 29.2
ID   1,879,742    263,115     90,163 4.8 34.3 PA  12,767,247  1,764,274    464,568 3.6 26.3
IL  12,496,616  1,491,750    383,922 3.1 25.7 RI   1,080,868    150,612     34,735 3.2 23.1
IN   6,708,961    919,332    257,714 3.8 28.0 SC   5,107,451    730,813    186,477 3.7 25.5
IA   3,149,081    397,179    124,015 3.9 31.2 SD     877,125    111,536     36,846 4.2 33.0
KS   2,880,194    386,050    118,671 4.1 30.7 TN   6,874,621  1,030,224    296,498 4.3 28.8
KY   4,428,085    783,699    214,491 4.8 27.4 TX  29,072,523  3,518,171    953,033 3.3 27.1
LA   4,518,879    724,218    192,346 4.3 26.6 UT   3,309,480    345,490    102,867 3.1 29.8
ME   1,358,182    210,432     63,516 4.7 30.2 VT     638,559     85,969     27,757 4.3 32.3
MD   6,060,990    687,347    167,484 2.8 24.4 VA   8,415,775  1,040,435    287,261 3.4 27.6
MA   6,915,688    808,474    210,822 3.0 26.1 WA   7,620,111    996,933    298,587 3.9 30.0
MI   9,951,051  1,394,304    366,589 3.7 26.3 WV   1,755,575    328,527    100,380 5.7 30.6
MN   5,652,521    679,462    194,595 3.4 28.6 WI   5,829,031    690,024    207,540 3.6 30.1
MS   2,885,638    522,842    125,051 4.3 23.9 WY     570,250     77,135     28,855 5.1 37.4
Table 1.5 Civilians Living in the Community for the United States and States — Vision Disability: 2021
State Total Disability Vision [1]   State Total Disability Vision [1]
Count % Total % Disability Count % Total % Disability
U.S. 326,942,778 42,601,999 8,086,147 2.5 19.0 MO   6,062,846    883,553   164,246 2.7 18.6
AL   4,956,828    805,849   152,903 3.1 19.0 MT   1,087,247    158,746    27,513 2.5 17.3
AK     703,612     99,194    17,333 2.5 17.5 NE   1,935,685    249,584    47,541 2.5 19.0
AZ   7,175,530    970,430   180,033 2.5 18.6 NV   3,104,854    402,166    87,917 2.8 21.9
AR   2,975,548    517,723   106,351 3.6 20.5 NH   1,373,423    166,037    27,428 2.0 16.5
CA  38,725,651  4,342,499   851,920 2.2 19.6 NJ   9,163,354    962,714   187,546 2.0 19.5
CO   5,715,351    643,030   122,784 2.1 19.1 NM   2,077,492    336,557    65,600 3.2 19.5
CT   3,558,663    427,144    78,822 2.2 18.5 NY  19,599,249  2,359,842   412,122 2.1 17.5
DE     987,806    129,543    26,133 2.6 20.2 NC  10,346,220  1,413,633   272,365 2.6 19.3
DC     659,722     77,882    13,812 2.1 17.7 ND     754,481     92,470    21,181 2.8 22.9
FL  21,466,906  2,911,135   560,304 2.6 19.2 OH  11,613,352  1,659,146   288,275 2.5 17.4
GA  10,602,297  1,373,134   278,422 2.6 20.3 OK   3,903,265    675,799   154,835 4.0 22.9
HI   1,382,959    168,163    26,257 1.9 15.6 OR   4,206,193    637,679   105,807 2.5 16.6
ID   1,879,742    263,115    51,278 2.7 19.5 PA  12,767,247  1,764,274   315,443 2.5 17.9
IL  12,496,616  1,491,750   266,069 2.1 17.8 RI   1,080,868    150,612    25,882 2.4 17.2
IN   6,708,961    919,332   167,290 2.5 18.2 SC   5,107,451    730,813   145,896 2.9 20.0
IA   3,149,081    397,179    62,009 2.0 15.6 SD     877,125    111,536    18,220 2.1 16.3
KS   2,880,194    386,050    66,628 2.3 17.3 TN   6,874,621  1,030,224   213,375 3.1 20.7
KY   4,428,085    783,699   164,556 3.7 21.0 TX  29,072,523  3,518,171   790,067 2.7 22.5
LA   4,518,879    724,218   169,253 3.7 23.4 UT   3,309,480    345,490    61,251 1.9 17.7
ME   1,358,182    210,432    27,817 2.0 13.2 VT     638,559     85,969    13,221 2.1 15.4
MD   6,060,990    687,347   118,299 2.0 17.2 VA   8,415,775  1,040,435   200,609 2.4 19.3
MA   6,915,688    808,474   140,372 2.0 17.4 WA   7,620,111    996,933   165,503 2.2 16.6
MI   9,951,051  1,394,304   222,080 2.2 15.9 WV   1,755,575    328,527    59,409 3.4 18.1
MN   5,652,521    679,462    94,546 1.7 13.9 WI   5,829,031    690,024   108,157 1.9 15.7
MS   2,885,638    522,842   125,866 4.4 24.1 WY     570,250     77,135    15,601 2.7 20.2
Table 1.6 Civilians Living in the Community for the United States and States — Cognitive Disability: 2021
State Total Disability Cognitive [1]   State Total Disability Cognitive [1]
Count % Total % Disability Count % Total % Disability
U.S. 326,942,778 42,601,999 16,599,667 5.1 39.0 MO   6,062,846    883,553    343,318 5.7 38.9
AL   4,956,828    805,849    303,033 6.1 37.6 MT   1,087,247    158,746     59,594 5.5 37.5
AK     703,612     99,194     39,606 5.6 39.9 NE   1,935,685    249,584     93,400 4.8 37.4
AZ   7,175,530    970,430    369,923 5.2 38.1 NV   3,104,854    402,166    147,340 4.7 36.6
AR   2,975,548    517,723    206,428 6.9 39.9 NH   1,373,423    166,037     65,789 4.8 39.6
CA  38,725,651  4,342,499  1,712,140 4.4 39.4 NJ   9,163,354    962,714    339,110 3.7 35.2
CO   5,715,351    643,030    254,558 4.5 39.6 NM   2,077,492    336,557    131,267 6.3 39.0
CT   3,558,663    427,144    166,693 4.7 39.0 NY  19,599,249  2,359,842    915,086 4.7 38.8
DE     987,806    129,543     46,976 4.8 36.3 NC  10,346,220  1,413,633    542,557 5.2 38.4
DC     659,722     77,882     30,292 4.6 38.9 ND     754,481     92,470     29,973 4.0 32.4
FL  21,466,906  2,911,135  1,076,234 5.0 37.0 OH  11,613,352  1,659,146    674,455 5.8 40.7
GA  10,602,297  1,373,134    546,355 5.2 39.8 OK   3,903,265    675,799    251,841 6.5 37.3
HI   1,382,959    168,163     66,027 4.8 39.3 OR   4,206,193    637,679    278,753 6.6 43.7
ID   1,879,742    263,115    106,890 5.7 40.6 PA  12,767,247  1,764,274    706,857 5.5 40.1
IL  12,496,616  1,491,750    549,698 4.4 36.8 RI   1,080,868    150,612     62,031 5.7 41.2
IN   6,708,961    919,332    353,085 5.3 38.4 SC   5,107,451    730,813    265,152 5.2 36.3
IA   3,149,081    397,179    149,823 4.8 37.7 SD     877,125    111,536     39,187 4.5 35.1
KS   2,880,194    386,050    158,696 5.5 41.1 TN   6,874,621  1,030,224    406,639 5.9 39.5
KY   4,428,085    783,699    310,223 7.0 39.6 TX  29,072,523  3,518,171  1,344,974 4.6 38.2
LA   4,518,879    724,218    287,217 6.4 39.7 UT   3,309,480    345,490    155,866 4.7 45.1
ME   1,358,182    210,432     89,492 6.6 42.5 VT     638,559     85,969     34,335 5.4 39.9
MD   6,060,990    687,347    258,281 4.3 37.6 VA   8,415,775  1,040,435    393,213 4.7 37.8
MA   6,915,688    808,474    330,417 4.8 40.9 WA   7,620,111    996,933    419,649 5.5 42.1
MI   9,951,051  1,394,304    559,323 5.6 40.1 WV   1,755,575    328,527    128,927 7.3 39.2
MN   5,652,521    679,462    297,295 5.3 43.8 WI   5,829,031    690,024    269,201 4.6 39.0
MS   2,885,638    522,842    206,183 7.1 39.4 WY     570,250     77,135     26,265 4.6 34.1
Table 1.7 Civilians Living in the Community for the United States and States — Ambulatory Disability: 2021
State Total Disability Ambulatory [1]   State Total Disability Ambulatory [1]
Count % Total % Disability Count % Total % Disability
U.S. 326,942,778 42,601,999 20,448,062 6.3 48.0 MO   6,062,846    883,553    423,878 7.0 48.0
AL   4,956,828    805,849    433,949 8.8 53.8 MT   1,087,247    158,746     69,887 6.4 44.0
AK     703,612     99,194     37,497 5.3 37.8 NE   1,935,685    249,584    109,030 5.6 43.7
AZ   7,175,530    970,430    453,010 6.3 46.7 NV   3,104,854    402,166    202,209 6.5 50.3
AR   2,975,548    517,723    259,230 8.7 50.1 NH   1,373,423    166,037     66,978 4.9 40.3
CA  38,725,651  4,342,499  2,099,892 5.4 48.4 NJ   9,163,354    962,714    480,831 5.2 49.9
CO   5,715,351    643,030    261,633 4.6 40.7 NM   2,077,492    336,557    162,446 7.8 48.3
CT   3,558,663    427,144    197,903 5.6 46.3 NY  19,599,249  2,359,842  1,202,021 6.1 50.9
DE     987,806    129,543     63,757 6.5 49.2 NC  10,346,220  1,413,633    706,606 6.8 50.0
DC     659,722     77,882     41,130 6.2 52.8 ND     754,481     92,470     37,402 5.0 40.4
FL  21,466,906  2,911,135  1,481,110 6.9 50.9 OH  11,613,352  1,659,146    784,960 6.8 47.3
GA  10,602,297  1,373,134    674,615 6.4 49.1 OK   3,903,265    675,799    328,345 8.4 48.6
HI   1,382,959    168,163     83,894 6.1 49.9 OR   4,206,193    637,679    278,294 6.6 43.6
ID   1,879,742    263,115    109,517 5.8 41.6 PA  12,767,247  1,764,274    832,427 6.5 47.2
IL  12,496,616  1,491,750    739,147 5.9 49.5 RI   1,080,868    150,612     66,451 6.1 44.1
IN   6,708,961    919,332    441,531 6.6 48.0 SC   5,107,451    730,813    371,492 7.3 50.8
IA   3,149,081    397,179    175,521 5.6 44.2 SD     877,125    111,536     49,754 5.7 44.6
KS   2,880,194    386,050    171,378 6.0 44.4 TN   6,874,621  1,030,224    521,845 7.6 50.7
KY   4,428,085    783,699    404,136 9.1 51.6 TX  29,072,523  3,518,171  1,668,948 5.7 47.4
LA   4,518,879    724,218    358,951 7.9 49.6 UT   3,309,480    345,490    130,302 3.9 37.7
ME   1,358,182    210,432     92,603 6.8 44.0 VT     638,559     85,969     35,880 5.6 41.7
MD   6,060,990    687,347    328,989 5.4 47.9 VA   8,415,775  1,040,435    500,099 5.9 48.1
MA   6,915,688    808,474    362,258 5.2 44.8 WA   7,620,111    996,933    433,107 5.7 43.4
MI   9,951,051  1,394,304    672,683 6.8 48.2 WV   1,755,575    328,527    172,888 9.8 52.6
MN   5,652,521    679,462    260,132 4.6 38.3 WI   5,829,031    690,024    297,736 5.1 43.1
MS   2,885,638    522,842    277,244 9.6 53.0 WY     570,250     77,135     32,536 5.7 42.2
Table 1.8 Civilians Living in the Community for the United States and States — Self-Care Disability: 2021
State Total Disability Self-Care [1]   State Total Disability Self-Care [1]
Count % Total % Disability Count % Total % Disability
U.S. 326,942,778 42,601,999 7,834,854 2.4 18.4 MO   6,062,846    883,553   149,152 2.5 16.9
AL   4,956,828    805,849   136,419 2.8 16.9 MT   1,087,247    158,746    24,736 2.3 15.6
AK     703,612     99,194    13,508 1.9 13.6 NE   1,935,685    249,584    36,902 1.9 14.8
AZ   7,175,530    970,430   161,027 2.2 16.6 NV   3,104,854    402,166    75,975 2.4 18.9
AR   2,975,548    517,723    94,650 3.2 18.3 NH   1,373,423    166,037    24,079 1.8 14.5
CA  38,725,651  4,342,499   972,305 2.5 22.4 NJ   9,163,354    962,714   199,915 2.2 20.8
CO   5,715,351    643,030    94,972 1.7 14.8 NM   2,077,492    336,557    64,872 3.1 19.3
CT   3,558,663    427,144    80,190 2.3 18.8 NY  19,599,249  2,359,842   504,153 2.6 21.4
DE     987,806    129,543    25,609 2.6 19.8 NC  10,346,220  1,413,633   253,636 2.5 17.9
DC     659,722     77,882    13,354 2.0 17.1 ND     754,481     92,470    11,369 1.5 12.3
FL  21,466,906  2,911,135   544,644 2.5 18.7 OH  11,613,352  1,659,146   278,148 2.4 16.8
GA  10,602,297  1,373,134   245,530 2.3 17.9 OK   3,903,265    675,799   101,921 2.6 15.1
HI   1,382,959    168,163    33,317 2.4 19.8 OR   4,206,193    637,679   117,549 2.8 18.4
ID   1,879,742    263,115    44,922 2.4 17.1 PA  12,767,247  1,764,274   299,947 2.3 17.0
IL  12,496,616  1,491,750   280,612 2.2 18.8 RI   1,080,868    150,612    26,742 2.5 17.8
IN   6,708,961    919,332   156,480 2.3 17.0 SC   5,107,451    730,813   136,974 2.7 18.7
IA   3,149,081    397,179    62,640 2.0 15.8 SD     877,125    111,536    16,426 1.9 14.7
KS   2,880,194    386,050    62,610 2.2 16.2 TN   6,874,621  1,030,224   184,867 2.7 17.9
KY   4,428,085    783,699   148,686 3.4 19.0 TX  29,072,523  3,518,171   633,740 2.2 18.0
LA   4,518,879    724,218   139,532 3.1 19.3 UT   3,309,480    345,490    47,294 1.4 13.7
ME   1,358,182    210,432    31,491 2.3 15.0 VT     638,559     85,969    13,723 2.1 16.0
MD   6,060,990    687,347   117,631 1.9 17.1 VA   8,415,775  1,040,435   197,955 2.4 19.0
MA   6,915,688    808,474   153,052 2.2 18.9 WA   7,620,111    996,933   167,576 2.2 16.8
MI   9,951,051  1,394,304   246,506 2.5 17.7 WV   1,755,575    328,527    67,876 3.9 20.7
MN   5,652,521    679,462   117,460 2.1 17.3 WI   5,829,031    690,024   119,704 2.1 17.3
MS   2,885,638    522,842    92,448 3.2 17.7 WY     570,250     77,135    10,028 1.8 13.0
Table 1.9 Civilians Living in the Community for the United States and States — Independent Living Disability: 2021
State Total Disability Independent Living [1]   State Total Disability Independent Living [1]
Count % Total % Disability Count % Total % Disability
U.S. 326,942,778 42,601,999 15,145,689 4.6 35.6 MO   6,062,846    883,553    298,329 4.9 33.8
AL   4,956,828    805,849    282,975 5.7 35.1 MT   1,087,247    158,746     49,421 4.5 31.1
AK     703,612     99,194     28,946 4.1 29.2 NE   1,935,685    249,584     73,463 3.8 29.4
AZ   7,175,530    970,430    314,644 4.4 32.4 NV   3,104,854    402,166    134,078 4.3 33.3
AR   2,975,548    517,723    181,562 6.1 35.1 NH   1,373,423    166,037     57,260 4.2 34.5
CA  38,725,651  4,342,499  1,748,365 4.5 40.3 NJ   9,163,354    962,714    370,795 4.0 38.5
CO   5,715,351    643,030    203,871 3.6 31.7 NM   2,077,492    336,557    122,127 5.9 36.3
CT   3,558,663    427,144    157,234 4.4 36.8 NY  19,599,249  2,359,842    974,518 5.0 41.3
DE     987,806    129,543     44,988 4.6 34.7 NC  10,346,220  1,413,633    483,601 4.7 34.2
DC     659,722     77,882     23,100 3.5 29.7 ND     754,481     92,470     22,289 3.0 24.1
FL  21,466,906  2,911,135  1,011,720 4.7 34.8 OH  11,613,352  1,659,146    556,566 4.8 33.5
GA  10,602,297  1,373,134    478,422 4.5 34.8 OK   3,903,265    675,799    219,042 5.6 32.4
HI   1,382,959    168,163     67,642 4.9 40.2 OR   4,206,193    637,679    230,735 5.5 36.2
ID   1,879,742    263,115     80,613 4.3 30.6 PA  12,767,247  1,764,274    631,164 4.9 35.8
IL  12,496,616  1,491,750    552,951 4.4 37.1 RI   1,080,868    150,612     55,598 5.1 36.9
IN   6,708,961    919,332    313,845 4.7 34.1 SC   5,107,451    730,813    251,665 4.9 34.4
IA   3,149,081    397,179    132,829 4.2 33.4 SD     877,125    111,536     30,477 3.5 27.3
KS   2,880,194    386,050    132,766 4.6 34.4 TN   6,874,621  1,030,224    360,872 5.2 35.0
KY   4,428,085    783,699    286,201 6.5 36.5 TX  29,072,523  3,518,171  1,158,453 4.0 32.9
LA   4,518,879    724,218    248,856 5.5 34.4 UT   3,309,480    345,490    110,445 3.3 32.0
ME   1,358,182    210,432     79,961 5.9 38.0 VT     638,559     85,969     30,712 4.8 35.7
MD   6,060,990    687,347    235,056 3.9 34.2 VA   8,415,775  1,040,435    358,026 4.3 34.4
MA   6,915,688    808,474    301,867 4.4 37.3 WA   7,620,111    996,933    344,150 4.5 34.5
MI   9,951,051  1,394,304    515,106 5.2 36.9 WV   1,755,575    328,527    119,054 6.8 36.2
MN   5,652,521    679,462    241,184 4.3 35.5 WI   5,829,031    690,024    233,597 4.0 33.9
MS   2,885,638    522,842    180,910 6.3 34.6 WY     570,250     77,135     23,638 4.1 30.6